Page 67 of Thor & Dragon

I feel JD tense under me, but I keep going.

“He said that I’d be perfect for what he was looking for and said he’d talk with the guards outside to arrange the handoff. Alexis stayed in the room, but as soon as the door closed, she darted quickly to my side, covering my mouth so I wouldn’t scream.”

“You had better let go of me, CJ.”

The dangerously low, calm voice JD spoke in sends chills down my spine, but I hug him tighter, not letting go.

“No, because you need to hear what she said next. She said she’s been working with the Feds to bring down her dad and Creed was in on it. His brothel is a front. The women that were taken out each night were acting. She showed me Creed’s badge, and I knew she wasn’t lying.”

He freezes and then stares at me before smirking.

“How’d you know she wasn’t lying?” Thor asks, but I don’t break eye contact with JD.

“Because Dad forced her to do all of their forgings since she’s good at computers and is a damn good artist,” JD says, and I nod.

“They were going to ‘buy’ me and help me get free of Sanchez. I honestly couldn’t believe it, but I listened to the rest of her plan. They got me out, gave me a new name and some money. They said to go to Forest Creek, and I’d find my brother here.”

I feel him tense again and sigh.

“Why would the Feds know where Drae was?” Dragon asks.

“Because they were worried he’d start another chapter like Black Plague.”

Silence descends, and I wonder if I’ve done something wrong by mentioning all of that. Someone clears their throat, and it’s only then that I turn around, and JD wraps an arm around my shoulder.

“Uh, CJ, what does Creed look like?”

I stare at Smoke in confusion, wondering why he’d be asking me that. “He’s tall, I’d say probably over six feet tall or close to it. Looks like he could have been a linebacker when he was younger. He’s got black hair, blue eyes, and is really tan. Though, he could have been wearing colored contacts. Why?”

“Because he’s at the front gate.”

Smoke clicks a few buttons and I gasp when a picture pops up on the projector screen and I see Creed waiting outside the gate, standing next to his car.

“Is there a reason that Creed would want to follow-up with you at all, CJ?” Thor asks.

I freeze at the look he’s giving me, worried that he’s changed his mind and I’m still going to get kicked out of here. I shake my head. “No, he wasn’t going to follow-up with me because he didn’t want to tip anyone off that he knew where I was. I mean, he took a huge risk in sheltering me for a couple of weeks while the rest of my wounds healed after they rescued me. When we parted ways, he said I probably wouldn’t see him again until Sanchez was taken care of. I know he’s still alive, so I have no idea why he’s here.”

Thor continues to stare at me and I shift uneasily, but I’m telling the truth. I have no idea what he wanted. JD pulls me behind him, and I see Thor shake his head and sigh.

“I’m not going to hurt her Drae, I just find it rather suspicious that he showed up moments after she told us about him.”

“Well, we aren’t going to learn anything by sitting in here. Let’s go have a little chat with him,” Dragon says as he claps Thor on the shoulder.

I look at Smoke and frown. “You don’t see anyone else on any of the cameras surrounding the property?”

He shakes his head. “No one. It looks like it’s just him.”

I frown again. I don’t like this. It could be a trap, but Trixie…er, CJ, really doesn’t seem to have any reason to be lying about him.

“Half of you stay inside the clubhouse in case this is a trap. The rest with me. Ladies, Roy, and prospects, you stay inside. If shit goes sideways, get to the panic room through the kitchen.”

I catch Levi’s gaze, and she nods as she pats her stomach, letting me know she’s armed. Glancing over at Sasha, she does the same. With one last look at Levi, we both nod, and I turn, leading the others out of Church. Phoenix, Dragon, and Ryder flank me, along with a few others. I notice Bear taking up the post by the door and give him a chin lift in thanks. He’d help keep watch over Wildcat for us.

Walking outside, my eyes zero in on Creed before checking our surroundings. I’ll give him credit. He doesn’t so much as flinch as he stands there watching us approach him. I stop short of the gate and cross my arms as I stare him down.

“Hello Thor, I’m Agent Weber and I’m here to talk with Miss Levi Wallace.”

Ice runs down my spine, but I force myself not to react. What the fuck does he want with Wildcat?