Page 159 of Thor & Dragon

Alexei glares at him and Colt winces as the laughter increases.

“Sorry, not sorry, Lex.”

“I like you, Colt, but if you keep talking about my sister like that around me, you’ll end up with a blade in you.”

“You hurt him, Alexei, and you’ll have a blade sticking out of you,” Sasha warns him with a scowl of her own.

Arms entwine around my waist and Thor leans in for a bruising kiss. “Fuck, I can’t wait till you’re cleared, Wildcat,” he whispers into my ear, which has me shivering with need. Thankfully, he doesn’t press into me like usual since he’s on my right.

“You’ll definitely be wearing these when that happens, Spitfire,” Dragon says before he kisses me.

When I pull back, I decide to put them out of their misery.

“Well then, I guess I’ll just have to keep them on the rest of the day then.”

It takes them a few moments for my words to register, but Dragon gets it first and immediately his lips are back on mine before I’m pulled out of his arms and into Thor’s. Catcalls ring out around the room.

“I’m guessing someone just got cleared for sex,” Ryder shouts, which has me blushing and my brothers, Dad, and Uncle Bear all groaning above the laughter.

“Reaper, you ready?” Thor asks him.

“Fuck yes. You ready, Half-pint?”

“Absolutely,” I reply, grinning. I can’t wait to use my new toys.

We all file downstairs and into the sticks.

I’m surprised to find the room doesn’t reek of feces and body odor, but then I notice all five of them are wet but still fully clothed. I raised an eyebrow at Thor.

“We wanted them to be all squeaky clean for our little chat today, Wildcat.”

I couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped and went back to inspecting them, my metal heels clicking loudly against the cement. All of them have restraints on their ankles that are linked and connected to the walls. The men have their hands bound in front of them and attached to hooks in the ceiling. The women have their hands bound behind them, which are also linked to hooks in the ceiling. Fang and Travis are sporting black eyes, but they aren’t swollen shut. All three of the men have bruises somewhere on their bodies in varying degrees of healing. However, when I look over at the women, I’m surprised to see that they also have bruises on them.

“They slipped down the stairs,” Sasha says, shrugging with a grin. I grin back at her, and after slipping on some gloves, I walk over to the wall and press the buttons that will raise the men’s chains on their arms, so their movements are even more restricted. When the chains stop, their arms are bearing most of their body weight, but I let them have a few toes to stand on. For the women, I raise their arms until it’s clear they can’t raise anymore without dislocating their shoulders.

Last night, Andre and I talked about how we wanted to handle things today, so we’d be in sync. I told him a little about my surprises and he tried to bribe me to tell him more, but I wouldn’t budge.

It’s a tight fit with both clubs in here, but there is plastic up over the back half of the rooms walls since our guests are pushed further into the room than where Nicole was.

“Ready for a little payback Half-pint?”

I grin at him in response and grab two knives from the tool cabinet, handing the larger one to him.

He goes to Fang, and I go to Travis, sawing off their patches like they did ours. Both of them start thrashing violently when the first stitches are cut. When all the patches are on the ground, I rip his cut to shreds, just like he did mine.

“Sucks seeing something you love ripped to shreds and, on the floor, doesn’t it?” I hiss as the last of his cut falls to the ground.

“When I get my hands on you, bitch, you’ll regret this,” Travis seethes.

I laugh and, with my arms open, spin a little. “These people and these four walls are the last that you will ever see before your pitiful lives are brought to an abrupt end. None of you are getting out of here alive.”

“Y-You can’t do that, Levi. I’m your uncle! I’m blood!”

I get right in his face, trailing my knife down his face, biting into his flesh just like he did to me. “See, that’s where you’re wrong,uncle.Besides, us sharing blood never stopped you from kidnapping me, drugging me, and trying to rape me when I was six, did it? Or the plans you had for me? That once you had me, you were going to whisk me away to start training me to be someone’spetthat you’d sell to the highest bidder.”

Yeah, that had been a big mess when Andre and I told everyone what happened at the house after we arrived back at the clubhouse yesterday. I swear I’m going to look into fucking padding to put up on the walls, so we don’t have to keep patching up drywall. At some point, someone’s going to punch a stud and they’ll have a broken hand.

I back away from him and give Thor, Dragon, and Andre the floor. They circle around Sean, Travis, and Fang. Both Thor and Dragon are sporting brass knuckles, while Andre still has his knife.