Page 154 of Thor & Dragon

The anger in his eyes has his heart rate picking back up, and I quickly lower my gown, taking his hand in mine again.

“You can’t get worked up right now, Andre. The doctors are really worried about your heart.”

“What’s wrong with my heart?”

I open my mouth and close it, not able to speak as the image of his torn-up chest pops into my head. Thankfully, Thor clears his throat and takes over, filling him in on what happened.

For a while he’s quiet, but I can see the swirl of emotions in his eyes and how he’s trying not to tense up but fails. When he winces, I motion to the call button.

“Shit, we need to tell them you’re awake. Punisher, can you press his call button since you’re right by it? Andre might need more pain meds.”

The nurse comes in and balks at how many people are in the room and tries to get them to leave. I’m getting fucking pissed cause she’s not listening, and it’s working Andre up even more.

“Listen here, ma’am. We have the authorization to have this many people here for guards inside as well as outside our room, plus my dad and my fiancée’s. If you have a problem, then by all means call Mr. Thatcher up or our FBI contact, but it’s not gonna make a lick of difference except for calling them in the middle of the night and pissing them off because you refuse to listen. The charge nurse on this floor knows about this, so why don’t you take your complaints up with her? If you continue to be a bitch to get your way, I’ll go find the charge nurse myself and demand another one for Anthony and me. Now, are you going to listen and help my brother, who just woke up and is in pain, or am I getting in a wheelchair and dragging you out of here by your ear?”

The nurse huffs as the guys try to hide their laughter and, out of the corner of my eye, I see Devil leave the room. I hope like hell he’s gonna talk to the charge nurse, but I wasn’t kidding. I’d get my ass in a wheelchair and go talk to her myself if I have to.

I watch her like a hawk as she increases his dosage a little and checks his vitals. She looks at me when she’s done, her face pinched, but she doesn’t say anything as she leaves the room.

“Fucking bitch,” I mutter and the guys all let their laughter out.

“Now I seriously want to see you dragging her down the hall as we push your wheelchair. All you’re missing is a slipper to beat her over the head with,” Smoke says as he doubles over in laughter.

“Sash said she packed my slippers, so if she causes more problems, you might just get your wish.”

This causes them to laugh even harder and even though I’m laughing with them, the weight of everything is finally crashing down on me.

“I think it’s time I get you back in your bed, kiddo. You almost just swayed off Reaper’s bed.” Jax steps forward and I’m confused when he stops my guys.

“Nope. Thor, you can’t lift her yet because of your shoulder, and Dragon, I know your leg has to be killing you. Both of you look about ready to fall over like Levi. I think we should wind this down and let all four of you sleep.”

My guys grumble but don’t fight him.

Once Jax carefully sets me down, he helps straighten my blankets. My guys are unfolding the sofa bed and I wince when I see how thin the mattress is. Jax must see my wince because he follows where I’m looking and nods.

“If you’re still here tomorrow night, I’ll get something so that they’re able to sleep better.”

“Thank you, Jax.”

He waves me off and pulls a chair in between our beds, but against the opposite wall. Guess he’s taking first watch inside.

“I’ll be back tomorrow to see you, sweetie. That way, one of them can have the recliner if they need to sleep as they rotate.”

Dad hugs me one more time and kisses me on the forehead before he stops by Andre’s bed and wishes him a good night.

Punisher takes the first watch outside our room and Devil sits in the recliner.

“Good night, everyone,” I call out and settle into my pillow as they all respond in kind.

Even though I’m tired, I can’t fall asleep. I try to get comfortable, but I can’t.

“Half-pint, you still awake?”

“Yeah, my leg itches and I’m really trying hard to not concentrate on it.”

He pauses and I look over at him. He’s running his hand over his face and through his hair.

“What’s wrong, my giant?”