Page 144 of Thor & Dragon

A phone rings and at first, I’m pissed till I realize it’s Phoenix’s. We’re the only two allowed to have our phones in Church. Well, and Devil, since he’s the VP of the Junction Creek brothers.


After a few moments, he curses and then hangs up.

“There’s a fire in the parking garage and they aren’t letting anyone in, so Axe and Razor can’t get in for a visual.”

“Are the cameras on the third floor still out, Smoke?” I ask.

His fingers fly across his laptop again before he frowns. “They’re back online and the ambulance is indeed on fire. From my angle, there’s no one inside.”

“Fuck, okay. See what you can get on the other two cars. Is there any recent property that has been bought by Black Plague members or Travis’ family?”

“Not by Black Plague, but we’re still looking into all the properties that were owned before by the West’s.”

A knock sounds and Phoenix gets up to answer it. Seconds later, the door opens and Alexei comes in with a laptop.

“Levi and Reaper’s beacons just showed back up.”

He sits the laptop down by Smoke, who unplugs a cable from his laptop and puts it into Alexei’s. The beacons are coming from the forest Northwest of town.

“Isn’t that around where we scouted before?” Timber asks.

Smoke’s forehead creases as he frowns and pulls up something else on his laptop. “Either we missed something or the entrance is hidden. Since the beacons are still up, I’m guessing the idiots didn’t set up the jammer again when they arrived there. Maybe they changed vehicles.”

“So, there’s no buildings according to satellite images?” I ask.

Smoke zooms out before going in closer and compares the image to whatever’s on his laptop. “No. But there used to be an old cabin near there, according to my records. It burned down a long time ago.”

“Fuck,” Bear yells as he paces, his hands on his head. “That’s not where the cabin was that burned down.” His voice was low but deadly. “A few miles further Northwest from that spot is where the cabin was that burned down.”

He turns and looks at me. “Remember what Nicole said? About going back to where it all started? That cabin is where we found Levi and Emily. We burned it down and all the bodies in it.”

“Oh shit,” someone says.

My gaze snags on Dragon, who’s barely hanging onto a thread of control. Our eyes lock and we both nod. This ends tonight.

“The beacons are moving again,” Alexei says, and I refocus back on the screen.

The dots are continuing Northwest, but at a slower pace than before. They continue for a couple of miles before they stop, but the beacons stay lit.

In the background, I can hear keys clicking away before the screen changes again. This time, to an aerial overview.

There’s a two-story house on the property that looks to be around a couple of acres. There’s a large wrought-iron and brick fence around the perimeter. A long driveway exits the property to the east.

“Who owns the property?” I ask.

“A Robert Smith is listed on the deed. It was bought four years ago. Fuck, the last name had to be a fucking Smith,” Smoke mutters.

“Why does that matter?” Gunner asks.

“Because in the US, Smith is the most popular last name,” Python says as he sighs.

“How far North is that place from here?” Dragon asks.

After a few moments, Smoke replies. “About twenty miles.” The screen changes from aerial to a road map, which he draws on with his stylus. “Right here is the only way in by actual road. So, they either drove or walked through the fields to location A, where the beacons first reappeared, but I doubt they dragged Reaper’s heavy ass that far. Once it started moving again, I’m guessing some sort of vehicle was used because the rate the beacon was moving was too fast to be walking and carrying heavy bodies. Someone said Levi was still unconscious when Reaper went with her in the ambulance. Even if Reaper was walking on his own accord and, taking into how fit he is, if he were carrying Levi, he still wouldn’t be moving that fast. From location A to location B, they were moving around twenty mph according to my calculations.”

“We got a few new things,” Python says, and we all turn to him.