Page 133 of Thor & Dragon

When she leaves, Levi stiffens in my arms as Smoke pulls over the table and puts his laptop on it.

I’m about to ask something when Levi covers my mouth and mimes me not to talk. I nod and she removes her hand, but not before I lick it. She shivers and I can’t help but grin when I see her squirming a little.

Once Smoke sets up some sort of device, he exhales heavily.

“We have a lot of new information that was just handed to us. The first is that these two nurses threatened Ethan a bit ago that if he didn’t switch over to Fang’s side, then they’d pump him full of drugs and he’d be dead in an hour.”

“How do we know that?” Phoenix asks.

“Two ways. One, Creed sent these pictures to Levi when we were in Thor’s room. He knew about them last night, but it wasn’t until he heard about the shooting that he called Levi to warn her. Two, I caught the bitches about to pump Ethan full of whatever the fuck was in those syringes if he didn’t switch over to Fang’s side.”

What the fuck?

“That’s not everything, either. Levi, do you want me to take this, or do you want to do it?”

Shit, it must be bad if he isn’t calling her kiddo.

Spitfire sighs and sits up.

“Creed thinks we have a rat.” She pauses and I’m instantly furious that we trusted someone only to have them betray us.

“Based on the pictures and videos, I’m inclined to believe him.” She pauses, and her jaw ticks as her eyes harden. “Phoenix, after we catch you up on this, Thor wants to talk to you about how to get him down to the sticks.”


“Levi’s nickname for where our last guest stayed.”

“If you guys can come up with a better one, then by all means, change it. I’m surprised you don’t have a code for it yet myself.”

“Who’s the rat and how do you know? Why did Smoke ask you if you wanted to lead this part?” Phoenix asks, his eyes narrowing on her.

Oh, fuck no. “Phoenix, back the fuck off.”

He ignores me and still continues to glare at Spitfire. If I could fucking get up right now, I’d be so up in his face.

“Creed sent me some pictures and four videos. I don’t know how he got pictures from inside the clubhouse, but he did.”

“Levi. Who. Is. The. Rat?” Phoenix asks again, his voice is lethal, but Spitfire doesn’t back down or cower from the tone of his voice or his hard stare.

Even though she’s pissed as fucking hell, a tear still streaks down her cheek.


My mind is still reeling from Travis’ betrayal.

Phoenix left as soon as Smoke and Spitfire filled him in on everything. As pissed as I am, I’m worried as fuck about Spitfire. This is three times now that she’s been betrayed by a family member.

She got back a few minutes ago from checking in on Ethan and is twirling a pen she got from somewhere as she stares up at the ceiling tiles.

“Spitfire, talk to me, babe.”

She takes a deep breath and sighs.

“My mind is replaying things, trying to figure out when things shifted for him. It can’t just be me being with you and Ryan that made him flip his switch. Something else must have happened, but what?”

I’m about to say something when her phone rings.

“Hey, what’s up Sasha?”