Page 130 of Thor & Dragon

“All the new prospects were down there to help get her ready, but Dragon and Ryder were the ones that took her out under the stars,” Thor says.

“If he knows we’re onto him, then he’s probably no longer in the waiting room. If he’s skipped out, then we need to find him fast. He could go to the cops.” I pause and grab my phone. “Hold that thought,” I say as I dial Sasha.

It doesn’t go through. Dammit, the jammer.

“I know it’s a risk, but I gotta do this to figure out if he’s still in the waiting room. In this scenario, it’ll be more likely that I’m calling Sasha because I’m freaking out, but I’ll have her speak Russian.”

“Travis doesn’t know Russian?” Patch asks.

“No, he’s never shown an interest in learning. He may know a word or two from repeated use, but I think that’s only if it’s spoken slowly. Sasha can rattle off Russian so fast he wouldn’t be able to decipher it.”

At Thor’s nod, Jax disables the jammer and I dial Sasha again. This time, it goes through.

“Hey, Sasha.??? ????? ???? ??? ??? ????????? ? ???????? ? ????, ??????? ???????? ?????? ??-??????.”

“??, ?? ??? ??? ?????.?? ?? ??? ???? ??????? ????? ???????? ???? ???????.”

“??????? ??? ??? ??? ????? ??????.???? ?? ?????, ??????? ??? ? ??????????? ???????????? ???.”

“??? ???????????”

“? ??? ????? ???? ?????.”

She gasps, and I know she’s probably as heartbroken as I am.

“?? ?????????? ??-???????. ???? ???-?? ???????, ?????? ???????, ??? ?? ???????????? ? ??????.”

“??????, ??? ?????”

“You mean Ryder never came out?”


Shit, I slipped into English, but this part should be okay.

“Thor’s been awake for a bit. I just got a text that Dragon is awake.” I hesitated about Ethan because of what Smoke said and switched back.

“??? ????? ?????????.??? ?? ?????, ??????? ??????, ??? ??????????, ??? ?? ??? ??? ????.? ?????????? ??????? ??? ?????????, ????? ??? ???? ?????? ?? ????????.”

“Oh, thank God.” I hear her sniffling and I know it’s a combination of good and bad news cry.

“I gotta go Sasha. I’ll keep you posted.”


I hang up, grateful that she didn’t really give anything away. Or me for that matter. I signal Jax to put the jammer up again and sigh. He nods at me when it’s ready.

“Travis is still in the waiting room, but Sasha says he’s been antsy and checking his phone a lot.”

“He needs to be sent on a task. Where’s Phoenix?”

“He went into Dragon’s room with me before I came in here. What if we brought him up to speed and then send him back in with you?”

“Do that and then I’ll talk to him about what to do going forward. We need a brother in each of our rooms and then at least one outside each door. Preferably two. Especially until Creed gets here and gets those bitches out of here.”

“The vast majority of us were in the waiting room earlier, so we shouldn’t have a problem manning the rooms. Don’t forget, Reaper’s crew will be here soon if they aren’t already. Phoenix asked that they go to the clubhouse since we left a skeleton crew there,” Smoke says.

“Good. Now, give me a kiss, Wildcat, before you go.”