Page 128 of Thor & Dragon

“I noticed a couple of nurses were acting weird outside Ethan’s room from the window. Thankfully, I’d relieved his parents a few minutes earlier. I warned Ethan not to give me away and ducked into the restroom on purpose before they saw me. I heard them through the door.”

“What do you mean they were acting weird?”

Smoke clears his throat and gives me an apologetic look.

“They were arguing as they compared vials of something, but I couldn’t tell what they were holding. Their arguing was what got my attention, and I quickly slipped out of sight of the window. Then they were looking around like they were trying not to be noticed before moving toward his door. It was then that I’d slipped into the bathroom.

“Once they were inside, they started talking to Ethan since he’d recently woken up. At first it was normal health care routine until it wasn’t. They were trying to convince Ethan to turn and switch sides, otherwise they’d pump him full of medicine and he’d be dead in an hour.

“When it seemed like they were going to give him the meds, I flushed the toilet and quickly opened the door, pretending I didn’t know they were in there. I caught them as they were about to insert the meds into his IV but the one administering it quickly stuffed the vials into their pocket. I was able to catch their names on their badges. Ryder’s in there with him now and I’ve instructed him that for now, only Patch can administer medicine, and it has to be unsealed when it’s brought in the room. I haven’t told his parents yet, for obvious reasons.”

Mr. Thatcher’s face pales, and he slumps into a nearby chair.

“I just got off the phone with Creed, Jax. He knew about the nurses last night, but he only just got word of the shooting a little bit ago, so he called me as soon as he heard to warn me. The pictures you have match the ones he sent me.”

I hand him my phone, praying he won’t say anything about the other pictures right now.

He flips through the pictures, and when his gaze meets mine, I can’t hide the betrayal. Tears stream down my face once again. He’d been one of my best friends since high school. I thought of him as a brother. How could he do this to me?

Thor pats the bed next to him, and I crawl in, burying my face in his chest, willing it not to be true even though the proof was there. Video and audio. The hate in his voice as he spoke about my men broke me. It was even worse when he talked about our baby being the spawn of Satan because I was with two men. He wanted to rip it out of me because I was going against God’s wishes for how I was living.

I mean, yeah, his parents are super religious, but didn’t he understand going to Fang was even worse? Add on my uncle and it’s two crazy ass psycho’s we have to deal with. He would rather have them rape me and God knows what else because I’m engaged to two guys and am now pregnant?

“I’ll have the rosters drawn up and you’ll have them momentarily. How do we deal with these two nurses? Do I need to call the cops or does your FBI contact want to deal with them?”

“Call Creed, Jax. Give him your new information. He told me to let you guys know that he’s in the area, so he’ll be able to move in if it’s enough proof.”

“Then it’s a good thing I’ve been wearing a fucking camera since we left the compound,” he mutters and I quickly sit up, staring at him in disbelief. Did his cameras capture who shot at us? Did he get clear enough pictures of the two nurses along with their badges?

“With this being your first out-of-the-ordinary-trip out of the compound, I figured they’d be watching us. I just didn’t know where they would be or when they’d approach. You’re my sister, Levi, even if it’s not by blood. I’ll protect you till I take my last breath.”

I slide off Ryan’s bed and instantly wrap Jax in a hug. I can’t stop the tears that come, even though I’m sure I’m soaking his shirt.

After a few minutes, I pull back and notice Mr. Thatcher was now gone, along with Allison.

“We need to talk about the other part now, kiddo.”

“Do you have your jammer?”

“Yup. Thank God Alexei thought to grab it.”

I take a deep breath and pull out my phone, unlocking it. Jax takes it from me as I move the table closer to Thor so he can see the picture better on Jax’s laptop once he copies over the files. Patch steps up by the head of Ryan’s bed. Smoke sets up his jammer once the files transfer to his computer.

I crawl back into Ryan’s bed again and curl up with him, needing his strength for this.

“Just do it, Jax. I already saw and heard it.”

He sighs heavily, but he’s only seen the pictures, not the video. “First, here are the pictures of the two nurses Creed sent Levi.”

He shows one picture and then flips to the second.

“This is where things turn on its head,” he says as he looks at me sympathetically.

What follows are pictures of Travis with Fang on multiple occasions, both before and after he became a prospect. Some were even of him in his cut when he was meeting Fang. Then there are the ones where he’s focusing on me, watching me. I don’t know how Creed got photos from inside the compound, but I fully intend to look into that.

Then it’s the start of four videos.

Each one is worse than the last.