Page 126 of Thor & Dragon

“I’ve known Luke since we were in diapers. Our moms are best friends. I know he wouldn’t get tangled up in anything illegal, so I trust you. I won’t say anything to anyone, but you might have to tell my dad about your stalkers. He’ll question why you don’t have cops for guards then. If you point out that the Feds don’t want to bring unwanted attention and left you in the safety of the club, then that means they are your appointed guards per the FBI.”

I look at Patch, who’s grinning and rolling his eyes at Allison. I hope he hasn’t told her too much about the club. While it’s true we aren’t into anything illegal, we do sometimes put down people who are a threat. Then again, she just laid out a perfect argument for us with her dad, so maybe she does know a little about us.

“Wait, back up. You’ve known Patch since he was in diapers? I need pictures, girl!” Levi cries with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Allison laughs at the look of horror on Patch’s face.

“Don’t you even think about it, Alli! I won’t be bringing ice cream, cookies, and wine when the next asshole breaks your heart if you betray me like that.”

“You do realize, I can get you as much booze and ice cream as you want, right? Plus, I know someone who makes melt-in-your-mouth cookies, too,” Levi whispers as she puts an arm around Allison and grins wickedly at Patch.

“See if I save your men’s ass again, Levi. Ouch.”

Levi winks at me and goes over to hug Patch, while Allison howls with laughter.

“You know I’d never turn your friend against you, jackass. So let this be a warning if you neanderthal’s don’t listen.”

Allison is laughing so hard she’s crying when there’s a knock at the door. Levi comes over to sit by me on the bed, holding my hand, while Patch gets the door.

“Hello, Luke. Is Allison still in here?”

“Yup, and she’s laughing at my expense, yet again, Mr. Thatcher.”

“Why am I not surprised? Alli, sweetheart, I take it these are some of the men you wanted me to talk to?”

Allison nods as she tries to contain her laughter. Patch rolls his eyes and steps in for her.

“Mr. Thatcher, I’d like you to meet Levi and Thor, or Ryan Gilbert, per his paperwork while he’s here. Thor is my President, Dragon is our Enforcer and Ethan is a new prospect for us. All three of them were shot this morning. Levi is engaged to Thor and Dragon. She has a couple of stalkers and we suspect they were the ones to start the shooting earlier today, but we don’t have evidence of that yet. I heard there were others that were treated at the scene for cuts from broken glass, but that was it.”

“Then why aren’t the cops posted as guards?”

Levi clears her throat. “Mr. Thatcher, that’s because the Feds are involved, and they were already on the trail of both of my stalkers when they started targeting me. Seeing how protected I was with the club, they thought it would be safe to leave me under their protection, especially since I was dating, well, now engaged to two of their members. They didn’t want extra protection to make me an even bigger target.”

“What happened this morning, then?”

“I recently found out I was pregnant and had my first appointment with my OB-GYN, Dr. Rowen. My guys and I, as well as four others, went with us to the appointment. When we left, we were headed to the pharmacy to fill my script for prenatal vitamins. About halfway there, the shooting started.”

Wildcat dips her head, tears rolling down her cheeks. “My men and their brothers protected me until we could get behind some cars for protection. They were shot, protecting me and our babies.”

I looked over at Mr. Thatcher and know we aren’t going to have a problem. You could tell his heart was breaking over what could have happened to Levi.

A phone rings, and Levi jerks. She pulls it out and inhales sharply.

“It’s Creed.”

Thank fuck I had her program in his number after he gave it to us. He must have heard what happened, but I still hoped he doesn’t come here. That could tip things off even worse with Fang and Sean.

“Step into the bathroom, Levi, and shut the door. You’ll have privacy there,” Patch tells her.

She squeezes my hand and does as Patch said.

“Who’s Creed?” Mr. Thatcher asks.

“He’s our FBI contact,” Patch says and turns his attention to me, letting me take over.

“Mr. Thatcher, what I say to you cannot leave this room. Allison has already agreed not to say anything. I’m not threatening you, so please don’t take it that way. I’m just trying to protect you.”

He glances at Allison who nods to him and then to Patch, who also nods. He turns back to me.