Page 125 of Thor & Dragon

I turn my glare on Patch, which only has him laughing harder.

I’m stewing as they laugh, but then they try to get themselves under control when my heart rate monitor keeps beeping faster. Fuck, they aren’t helping my anxiety. If I didn’t need Patch’s help, I’d punch the fucker. Finally, their laughter dies down.

“Let’s try sitting the bed up a bit. Once you have a good hold on him, Allison, Levi can lower the bed down slightly so that there’s less resistance against the bed.”

Wildcat grasps my good hand, giving me a squeeze before letting go and letting Allison in closer to me on my good side. Patch shows Wildcat what buttons to push when they give the word. They raise the bed. After I take a few deep breaths, I grit my teeth and nod, giving the okay to start. Allison holds me.

“Lower the bed, Levi.”

Even though I know Allison’s trying to prevent jerking, when Patch moves me, I still curse at the pain that radiates through me when my body jolts.

“Bed up now, Levi.”

The bed raises and when my back touches it fully, Allison releases her hold on me.

I take a few deep breaths as the pain washes through me. After a few moments, I hold out my arm and Levi instantly sits down and curls into me.

My body instantly relaxes, and I can slowly hear the heart monitor’s rate lower and even out.

“Well, shit. Guess I need to keep that in mind for any other Steel Archangel that comes in here and has a woman.”

I look at Allison in confusion and Levi shifts so she can see her better as well. Both her and Patch are watching the monitors.


“If your numbers wouldn’t have gone down shortly after waking up, we were going to have to give you something for high blood pressure. As soon as Levi laid down by you, it instantly started dropping along with your heart rate. I know Nick, er, Dragon’s numbers are high, so when he wakes up, we’ll definitely need you to be with him shortly afterward to see if his numbers drop as well.”

“Are Ethan’s numbers high? He doesn’t have a girlfriend, at least that I know of anyway,” Wildcat says.

“His numbers were normal the last I checked his chart, which was before you went into Dragon’s room. He was still asleep though, so we’ll see how he is when he wakes up.”

“Now, since we just jostled you a bit and your numbers spiked so much, Thor, we’re going to restart your observation time. Allison already kicked your meds up a little, so those should be hitting your system already, but they may take a bit to kick in though. In about a half-hour, we’ll check on you again and if you’re okay, you’ll be sent upstairs. Allison already arranged for you and Dragon to be in the same room, and I pulled strings to get Ethan in the room right next to you, but they’re still fighting me on guards.”

“Allison, do you—”

“Yup, hold that thought,” she says to Wildcat.

She walks over to the phone and dials someone.

“Who’s she calling?”

“Her dad’s a department head here and said she might be able to pull some strings to help with the guards,” Wildcat says.

I turn and look at her, rubbing her arm.

“That means we’re going to have to tell him what’s going on with your stalkers, baby girl,” I whisper, but notice Allison’s eyes widening when she hears the word stalker. In essence, that’s what Fang and Sean are. I just hate everything they’re making my woman go through because of their fucking obsessions.

“I know, but he’ll get the cliff note version. I don’t want to go into too deep of context.”

She kisses my chest and then gets up. Allison seems really rattled and I pray they haven’t said anything incriminating to the cops yet. I’m sure the others already gave their statements. Shit, I hope Creed doesn’t show up. That might make things worse.

“You have a stalker?” she asks when she hangs up.

“Yes, I do and there’s two. They’re working together. I need you not to say anything to anyone about this. The cops don’t know because the Feds asked us not to tell them. Please. I know we just met Allison, but you said your friends with Patch, too. Please, don’t tell anyone about my stalkers. I don’t want you or anyone else getting tangled up in this.”

“The FBI is involved?”

While I know the Fed thing is complete bullshit, well, at least the part of not telling the cops, but maybe mentioning that will be what gets Allison not to say anything. She nods and I breathe a sigh of relief.