Page 123 of Thor & Dragon

“Ethan’s parents are with him and last I checked, he was still sleeping off the anesthesia. Same with Dragon. Phoenix is with him right now. Are you in any pain? Shit, we should let the nurses know you’re awake.”

She hits a button above my head. I wince when a loud voice crackles over the speaker.

Moments later, the door opens and a nurse with a bubbly smile comes in, Ryder’s right behind her.

“Glad to see you awake, Mr. Gilbert. Are you in any pain?”

“Fuck yes I am, and I have a massive headache.”

She walks over to some bags hanging nearby, but fuck if I know what she’s doing. Looking back over at Levi, she’s fighting a smile as she watches the others. What the fuck did I miss?

“Good to see you awake, Thor. You missed Allison raking Smoke here over the coals earlier.” Ryder grins at me, but his eyes keep going over to the nurse.

Huh. Does he have a thing for her? Levi smirks at me and winks.

“Good, he needs to be kept in line every now and then.”

Smoke scowls at me and flips me off.

“Get those lips down here, Wildcat.”

She smiles and blushes, but leans down, kissing me. It’s not as deep as I need right now, but maybe I can get her to kiss me again after everyone leaves.

“How long have I been out?”

Levi’s face falls. “A little over three hours. Reapers crew is on their way down here and should be here in less than an hour or so.”

“How you holding up, baby mama?”

She blushes as she wipes more tears away.

“Better now that you’re awake. Hopefully, Dragon and Ethan wake up soon.”

“Try not to stress too much, Wildcat. It can’t be good for the babies.”

“Wait, babies?” Ryder asks as he stares at Levi. “Holy shit, I was right!”

“Shit, we were going to wait to announce that part tonight. I’m sorry, baby girl.”

She leans down and kisses me again. “It’s alright, Thor. And yes, Ryder, we found out this morning that I’m pregnant with twins.”

Allison squeals and then winces when she sees me wince. “Sorry, Mr. Gilbert. I got so excited I forgot about your headache. Congratulations and Levi, come here and get a hug.”

She pushes past Smoke and Ryder, quickly giving her a hug. I’m not sure what happened while I was out, but I’m guessing I’ll be seeing more of Allison if Levi becomes friends with her. Suddenly, Allison pulls back as she looks at Levi’s stomach.

“We didn’t check you out or anything since you said you weren’t injured, and you didn’t mention being pregnant. Are sure you don’t need to be checked or get an ultrasound?”

“We had actually just come from Dr. Rowen’s office, my OB-GYN earlier this morning. He did an ultrasound there. We were walking down the street to the pharmacy when the shooting started. I didn’t get shot or cut by broken glass. The worse was my knee and palms like I told you earlier. I wasn’t jostled or hit or anything, so I don’t think we’d need to do another ultrasound. Then again, I’m not the expert.”

“I’ll talk to the attending physician to get her input on it and let you know. Now, I’ll be back in a few with some medicine for Mr. Gilbert. Then I’ll check on your other man and your friend. Holler if you need anything.”

“Thank you, Allison.”

Allison waves her off, but then scowls as Ryder gets up.

“Just gonna check in on my Enforcer and prospect. Wondering if they’re awake yet.”

She scowls at him again and leaves with him close behind her.