Page 121 of Thor & Dragon

“I can take you all back now.”

We follow her along the corridor and when we reach the doors of the ER, the nurse swipes her badge. The doors swing open and I’m instantly looking around, trying to find my men.

I don’t have to wait long. After passing two rooms, the nurse drops Clint and Helen off at Ethan’s room. Seeing his face settles some of my fears. I’ll check in on him later. His parents need to see him first. Helen promised to text me as soon as he woke up.

A couple of doors down is Nick’s room. I race to his side, sliding my hand into his. Reaching up, I brush some of his hair out of his face and lean down, kissing his forehead. Resting my forehead on his, I feel a piece of me settle. His steady breathing and the steady beep of his heart monitor reassuring me that he was okay.

Kissing him again, I step back and wipe away some tears.

“I’m going to check on R—Thor real quick. I just… I need to put eyes on him,” I tell Phoenix.

His lips kick up at my slip and he gives me a chin lift.

“Don’t worry, I’ll stay with him. If he wakes up, I’ll find ya.”

Giving him a hug, I step out and look for Ryan’s room. Allison sees me from the nurse station and waves me over.

“Hey Levi, how are your men doing?”

I’m sure she knows how they’re doing since she works here, but I still appreciate her asking me.

“Dragon’s still resting, and I was looking for Thor’s, I mean Ryan’s, room.”

She waves me over as she walks down away from me and steps out from behind their station.

“He’s on the other side of the unit. I’ve put in a request for them to be put in the same room when they go upstairs. Luke is also trying to get your friend, Ethan, into a room close to them. Something about being able to provide better security for them.”

“Yeah, they’re going to have someone standing outside the rooms on watch. I’m not sure how that’ll go with the hospital staff, but the guys said they’d work it out with them somehow.”

She looks around and leans in close when we stop outside Ryan’s room.

“If they give you any fuss, have them page me. I have some clout here and can pull a few strings if need be for you.”

I look at her in surprise. “You’d be willing to do that for us?”

She laughs as she waves me off. “Luke’s a friend of mine, so I know his club is one of the good ones. My dad is one of the department heads here. If they won’t let you have guards, I can see if he could come and speak with the club. If there’s a viable reason for wanting guards, I’m sure he’d be okay with it.”

I nod and pull her in for a hug. “Thank you, and yes, they are a good group of men. Also yes, there’s a very good reason for needing security.”

She pulls back, grinning, and puts her hand on the door handle.

“I’ll get you my contact info inside. Now, let’s see how your man is doing.”

“Yes, please!”

She laughs and opens the door.

Seeing Thor in bed, alive and breathing, has a weight lifting from my shoulders. Both of my men and my friend are safe and alive.

Allison shuts the door behind us and starts checking Ryan’s vitals. As she does that, I walk over to his good side, grasp his hand and lean down, kissing his forehead. When I pull back, I wipe my tears and a little chuckle escapes when Allison hands me a tissue box.

“Thank you.”

“No worries, sweetie.” She pauses as she looks at Ryder and Smoke. I have to bite my tongue when I see how Ryder’s looking at Allison. Wonder if he’s caught the love bug? Allison is a beautiful woman. She’s a little shorter than me, maybe five foot five or so. Her black hair is tied back into a messy bun. She’s got a curvy figure, a bit curvier than me, but not unhealthy or anything.

Allison’s jotting down notes on the computer about Thor, oblivious to Ryder’s staring.

Or maybe not? Her cheeks are getting a little pinker the longer Ryder stares.