Page 114 of Thor & Dragon

Dr. Rowen’s gaze bounces back and forth between Nikki and Levi, who absolutely look nothing alike. Whereas Nikki is taller, skinnier, and blond, Levi is a bit shorter, curvier, and has flaming red hair.

“Smoke is my chosen brother, not blood brother, which also extends to his sister and niece. Blood isn’t the only family tie. I mean, I’m sure people have blood family that they wished they were never related to.” Levi pauses, and I can’t help but squeeze her hand, knowing she’s thinking of her uncle Sean. She clears her throat and continues. “I have a lot of chosen family members, but that also means our baby, and any future babies, will have a large family that loves each other regardless of their origins.”

Dr. Rowen smiles and nods. “I completely understand where you’re coming from. Now, switching gears, based on your last period, it looks like you could be about seven weeks along. Nikki, if you could please get her out a gown and blanket? I’ll ask the technician to come in to give you an ultrasound. Then I’ll be in to answer any questions.”

“Doctor, is it okay if Nikki stays here for the ultrasound? I’d like her to see it if at all possible.”

“Of course. Would you like your brother to come back too?”

Levi looks over at Nikki, raising a brow in question.

“He didn’t get squeamish with Sadie, so I’m sure he’ll be fine.”

“Then, yes, if Smoke could come back here as well, I’d appreciate it.”

Dr. Rowen nods and steps out of the room. Nikki opens a cupboard and pulls out some square paper things.

“I’ll step out and go get Jax so you can change into the gown. The opening goes to the back. Your bra can stay on, but your panties need to come off. Once the technician is here, Jax and I will come back in if you’re ready.”

“Thank you, Nikki.”

“No problem, girl. Can’t wait to see my niece or nephew! Thank you for letting me watch,” she says as she gives Levi another hug, then steps out.

Levi slips off her boots and strips. Fuck, just seeing her naked has me wanting her again.

“Later, Ryan.”

I smirk at her and rearrange myself.

“I don’t know how you two are getting turned on right now. I’m in a fuckin paper gown,” she huffs and sits down on the exam table.

“I get turned on all the time when you’re around, and now you’re growing our baby, Wildcat. That’s even sexier.”

“Same, Spitfire.”

She rolls her eyes, but her smile gets bigger at our words. A few moments later, someone knocks.

“You can come in,” she calls out.

Nikki comes in with Smoke right behind her and another woman. Smoke comes over and stands next to me. Why the hell is he crowding over here when there’s plenty of room over by the technician?

Wildcat must see my confusion cause she bites her lip and her shoulders shake with laughter.

“Don’t really care to see my sister’s pussy, Thor.”

Wait, what?

“Isn’t it done with a wand and that gel shit over her stomach?” I ask.

Wildcat shakes her head.

“This early in the pregnancy, we have to do a transvaginal ultrasound,” the technician says as she pulls out a long wand and puts a condom over it.

I must make a face because everyone laughs, even the damn technician. Looking over at Dragon, he seems just as confused as I am.

“Relax, guys. This is normal. I promise,” Nikki says.

“Alright, time to check on your baby.”