Page 112 of Thor & Dragon

Smoke turns to look around and I know he’s probably wishing he had his laptop so he could run security.

Glancing down at Levi, she’s still filling out paperwork and reading through some of the notes that were given to her. I turn, about to ask Ryder something, when I feel Levi’s body tensing.

“That fucking cunt,” Levi hisses before she jumps up to her feet, storming back over to Daphne, who’s talking with an older nurse. Dragon and I are quickly on our feet, following her. What the hell did that bitch pull now?

They both look up at her, surprised.

“I want to speak to the head OB doctor,” Levi demands as she stares down Daphne.

“What seems to be the problem?” the older woman, Doris, asks.

“I have an appointment with Dr. Rowen today to see how everything’s going with my baby since we recently found out I’m pregnant. However, included with the patient health history paperwork, Daphne here, gave me paperwork to finalize setting up an abortion.” She pauses as she holds up the paperwork, and I hear a thunder of boots behind us. Both women pale when my brothers are instantly at our backs.

“To top it off, some information was already filled in for me. The part where it asks if I’ve given consent is already checked off, which I did not check. The area where it asks if I know the Father has ‘Father unknown’ already filled out. And where it asks for my occupation, ‘club slut’ is already filled out. The reason for wanting an abortion is already filled out as being because ‘I have no idea who the Father is and I have mental heal issues’. Oh, and the signature on the bottomis not my frickin’ handwriting!”

Rage fills me as I take the paperwork from Levi and notice that it definitely is not her damn near perfect cursive handwriting. No, this handwriting is barely legible.

“Get us the head doctor. Now,” I demand as I stare down Doris.

“There’s no need for that, gentlemen. The paperwork must have been mixed up by accident. It happens sometimes,” Doris says in an overly sweet manner, though her body posture and facial expressions say another thing entirely.

“It wasn’t. We saw Daphne get the papers out of the filing cabinet, write on them and hand them to Levi. There was no mix-up,” Dragon says icily.

“If you’re going to take that attitude with me, young man, then I’ll be calling security to escort you out of here,” Doris says as she glares at him.

“The issue is not with my fiancée. It’s with your nurse, and pretty soon, you as well. Now, I want to speak to the head doctor. Neither of my fiancées are leaving and neither are our other family members. Bring us the head doctor. Now,” Levi demands.

“I’ll get Dr. Rowen,” another nurse who’d recently entered the nurse station said, though I notice she sounded fucking happy to be getting him for us. Do they normally have issues with these two women?

A few minutes later, the nurse returns along with a doctor and another woman trailing him.

The doctor steps forward, offering a hand, and I’m relieved its Dr. Rowen.

“Hello, everyone. I’m Dr. Rowen.”

“Levi Wallace,” Levi says as she shakes his hand. “These are my fiancées, Thor and Dragon, as well as my brother, Smoke, and a few other members of our family.”

Dr. Rowen looks between Levi and the other nurse, that I now see has a name badge of ‘Nikki’ on it, and when Nikki nods at him, he smiles and almost seems… relieved? Is this Smoke’s sister or is there another Nikki working here?

“What seems to be the issue, Miss Wallace?”

“The vast majority of the paperwork I’d been given is fine. Normal patient history and such. However, the last few pages were paperwork Idid notrequest and was filled out by Daphne.” She pauses and hands him the clipboard. “You can tell from the previous pages that our handwriting is nothing alike.”

His face hardens when Wildcat’s done talking and then turns an icy stare at Daphne, then at Doris. He flips to the beginning of the paperwork and looks through everything. When he gets to the last page, his jaw ticks repeatedly.

“Stephanie, please take these and make copies for me. Quickly. Nikki, call Trent and Zach.”

“If you have these hooligans under control, Dr. Rowen, I’ll see to the other patients for the time being.”

“Doris, stay where you are,” Dr. Rowen says politely, but I can tell his words are clipped.

No one talks and I notice Doris and Daphne are looking rather smug with themselves. Daphne continues to practically eye-fuck every one of us while we’re waiting.

A few minutes later, two bald-headed men, who look like they’re twins and could very well have been linemen back in the day, come down the hallway.

“Thank you for coming gentlemen. Doris and Daphne are being let go. After they gather everything at their desks, I need you to escort them to the lockers so they can collect their things. Then escort them off the premises.”

“Wha-what? I didn’t do anything wrong!” Doris cries.