Page 105 of Thor & Dragon

“You mean, we,” Sasha says as she wraps an arm around my shoulders. “You don’t have to carry this burden alone. I’ll be right there with you.”

“Are you sure?” I ask at the same time Thor says “You don’t have to.”

“???????! Besides, it will be better having both of us being able to do this. Especially since I bet your men won’t let you do this once the baby gets much bigger. Levi, you know you can trust me to never say anything about this. Besides, I have a feeling I’ll be part of the MC life for good before long,” she says with a wink and my chest warms that she’s okay and she’ll be sticking around.

“If you do need to talk to someone about what we do down here, then search me out and we’ll talk. Though you do have a point on the baby,” I say and then wince. “Sorry—I forgot to tell you guys that she knows. She brought out booze after this morning’s mess and without thinking, I told her I couldn’t drink. She swore she wouldn’t tell anyone. Wait, does Alexei or Colt know?”

Sasha shakes her head. “I don’t think Alexei suspects anything, but it’s going to be very hard to keep the secret if he asks me point blank. You know how we are with the twin thing. And the same goes for you, Levi. I’m here if you need to talk as well.”

“If Alexei does do that and happens to find out about the baby, please stress that he can’t tell anyone until we announce it at the competition,” Thor says, spearing her with a hard look.

“He wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize ourc????. If he finds out, he’ll keep mum on it. Now come on, Levi. We need to go help finish prepping supper.”

She tugs on my hand and Thor lets me go after placing a quick peck on my lips. Not to be outdone, Dragon swoops in and kisses me as well.

Saying goodbye to Jax and Patch, we head upstairs and leave them to handle Nicole. I’m not sure how they’re going to dispose of her body, but maybe it’s best that I don’t know. I’m sure at some point I’ll ask, but not right now.

In no time, we’re back in the main room. Rounding the corner into the kitchen, I’m surprised it’s just Roxy in here cutting onions.

“Hey Roxy, sorry about taking so long. How’s everything going food-wise?”

“No worries, girl. Sarah and Amy helped me prep the ‘you know what’ and they’re in their milk baths in the fridge.” She pauses as she looks up at the clock. “We put them in there about forty minutes ago and they should soak for an hour or two in total from what I’ve read. Since we only had the onions and salad left to do, I told the ladies I could finish that up. Unless you want another side to go with it?”

While I want to teach the guys a lesson, I also want to make sure they don’t go hungry but not give them enough ‘extras’ that they don’t eat everything. Walking over to the fridges, I peek through them to see what all we have.

“Let’s add a bit of bacon that’s been diced up over the ‘you know what’. I remember Dad eating them that way all the time. What do you think about potatoes and gravy?”

Roxy crinkles her nose and shivers. Sasha laughs at her look of disgust.

“God, I can’t believe people actually like that stuff,” Roxy whispers since a lot of the guys are out in the common room.

“Oh, yes! Gotta have potatoes and gravy. Pleeeease?” Sasha begs.

I laugh as Sasha practically drools. I swear the girl could have potatoes and gravy at every meal and still not get sick of it.

She goes to the pantry to grab a sack of potatoes and I start pulling out what I’ll need to cut up for the salad.

A bit of guilt creeps in that the prospects are going to have to go through this too even though they didn’t know anything about what was going on, but there wouldn’t be a good explanation I could give that wouldn’t end up in shitty chores for the prospects in retaliation. Thankfully, Alexei and Colt were good sports about it and Alexei warned Colt to make sure he has Rolaids or Tums on hand.

???? ?? ?????????? ???-?? ???????? ?????, ??? ????? ?????????, ??? ?? ????????.

[esli vy poprobuete chto-to podobnoye snova, eto budet posledneye, chto vy sdelaete.]

= If you try anything like that again, it will be the last thing you do.

????? ????, ?? ????? ???? ????????? ???????????? ?? ????????

[moget byt, aye nuzhen course povysheniya kvalifikatsii pau maneram?]

= Maybe she needs a refresher course on manners?

??, ? ?????, ??? ?? ?????.[da, ya dumaiu, chto vy prava.] = Yes, I think you’re right.

??? ??????????? ???? ?????? ? ????????? ?????, ??????.

[mne ponadobitsa tvoya pomoshch vie sleduyushchey chasti, sestra.]

= I’ll need your help for this next part, sister.