Page 91 of Thor & Dragon

I don’t even have to think before I blurt out my choice. “Boondock Saints. Then the second one.”

Sasha laughs and does a little happy dance as she goes over to the movie cabinet. We love watching these movies and having some eye candy doesn’t hurt either. Especially since I’m pissed at my men, but I’ll let them stew a little before I demand answers.

????? ??? ??????[zdes tree camery] = There’s three cameras.

?? ? ?????, ??? ? ?????????? ?? ?????????? ????.

[no ya dumayu, chto ya vozderzhus’ ot neskolkih fraz]

= But I think I’ll refrain from a few phrases.

????? ??????? ??? ? ?????? ? ???????

[nuzno derzhat vas vie tonuse vie spalne]

= Need to keep you on your toes in the bedroom.

???-?? ???????, ???, ? ??????, ??? ?? ??????????.

[do chego-to, chto, ya overen, mne nay ponravitsya]

= Up to something I’m pretty sure I won’t like.

??????, ????? ? ?????????? ?? ???

[khochesh, chtoby ya posledoval saa nim]

= Want me to tail him?

H??, ??? ??, ??? ??? ????? ???????

[net, eto to, chto mne nuzno sdelat]

= No, this is something I need to do.

Levi’s going to fucking hate my guts for this, but we need to get Nicole down to the interrogation room without her tipping off whoever the fuck she’s working with. Especially after everything Smoke dug up on her. Since we couldn’t all go into Church without alerting her, we communicated via text. No one else had a better idea and I seriously want to beat the fucking shit out of Judge for suggesting this.

Knowing that Nicole’s been watching me all night, I head back into the clubhouse, figuring she’d follow me. As I’m walking through the kitchen, I hear the back door open and then the click of heels against the wood floor. Her steps pick up as she tries to keep up with me and I’m seriously hoping she just follows me and doesn’t touch me.

A moment later, I try to repress the shiver when her hand grabs my wrist and then she’s practically plastered to my arm.

“Hey, Dragon. I was wondering when I’d be able to get you alone,” Nicole said as she batted her eyelashes.

“What are you doing here, Nicole?”

Anger lights up in my veins at the memory. Biting my tongue, I have to remind myself to hold things in check and not blow this. I’d caught her in bed with another man when I’d gone to her apartment to get something I’d forgotten there earlier in the day—my Steel Archangel’s hoodie. I’d gotten a call from Thor to get my ass to the hospital because Dad had collapsed and in my panic and haste, I’d forgotten it. I grabbed my hoodie and ended things with her. I would have loved to have beat the shit out of the asshole if I hadn’t needed to get my ass moving.

“I was wrong. Is there someplace we can go to talk?” she asks as she runs a finger down my chest. I swallow the bile threatening to rise and change directions so I can lead her down to the basement.

I tune out what she’s saying and right before we round the corner, I hear a gasp and feel Nicole shift to look over her shoulder. Fuck, I’m probably going to have a knife in me at some point in the near future. Either from Levi or her siblings. It takes everything in me not to push Nicole off me, turn around, and take Levi back to our house. Dammit. This shit better not take long, so I can explain this whole mess to her.

Rounding another corner, I make sure no one’s behind us, even though I know the guys will stop anyone from following us. At the dead end, I lift a picture that we’d attached to the wall with a hinge and press my hand to the scanner. The wall slides forward a few inches and then slides to the right. Once we’re through, I hit the close button, and the wall slides back into place.

Descending the stairs, I stop at the steel door on the landing and press my hand to another scanner. Once the door opens, I close the door behind me, making sure it’s secure, and make my way down the hall to the interrogation room. Timber and Tripp are waiting inside to help me secure her if need be, and Smoke’s probably already down here to record any information we get from her.

One last time, I scan my handprint outside the interrogation room and wait for it to unlock.

“You guys have a lot of security down here,” she says and for the first time since she came up to me, she seems nervous.