Page 54 of Thor & Dragon

Levi frowns and nods. “That’s exactly what they are doing. With the exception of Sarah and Amy. Those two can cook, and Sasha, Roxy, and I get along pretty well with them. There were some hiccups in the beginning, but we worked through them pretty quick.

“As for Tiffany, Ashley, Ginger, and Trixie, I was going to talk to you about having them do cleanup duty in the kitchen instead and pulling in Sarah and Amy more into the cooking rotation. We purchased extra-long gloves so that they wouldn’t mess up their manicures or dry out their perfectly moisturized skin,” Levi says as she rolls her eyes and makes quotation marks with her hands.

Both Dragon and I shake our heads at the ridiculousness, but then again, Levi found a way around their stupid ass complaints so that they wouldn’t be able to play up those excuses.

“We can show them how to work the dishwashers, but if they can’t figure them out, then they can hand wash the dishes. There are two big sinks so two of them could wash the dishes while two dried them. If we three, plus Amy and Sarah, are always cooking, then those four can always clean up.

“They’re also shirking on their laundry and cleaning duties around the rest of the clubhouse according to Roxy, Amy, and Sarah. What if we put Roxy in charge of those tasks since she’s here all day, whereas Sasha and I have jobs in town? If Roxy is in charge of those areas, have random check-ins with them, and we give clear direction for who is doing what on which days, then they’ll know that they’ll get busted if they don’t do what they are supposed to. As of late, Roxy’s been busting her ass along with Sarah and Amy to cover the other four girls’ areas. I know the prospects have their respective cleaning things to do, but I assumed that that would still fall under your guys’ authority.”

Nodding, I can tell by the set of Dragon’s jaw that he’s just as pissed as I am that those four girls are causing so much trouble.

“What the hell do they do all day?” Dragon growls and Levi shrugs.

“From what I can gather, they are either in their rooms, shopping, getting their nails or hair done, or fucking your brothers. Though from some of their complaints, I think they’re mad that they aren’t getting much action from the guys. That’s another thing they are blaming on us. They got laid all the time before we came here, but lately, your brothers aren’t having sex with them very much. However, from what Sarah and Amy have said, nothing has changed much in that regard for them.”

As angry as I am at the bunnies, I’m proud of Levi for bringing together this plan. Things need to change and if the bunnies don’t pull their weight, we’d have to make a decision as a club about what to do with them.

“Sorry if I dropped so much on you guys at once. You are both so busy that I was trying to figure out a solution before I came to talk to you. This seemed like something that I could do for both of you and maybe take something off your shoulders for you.”

We both grin at her and as I glance at Dragon, he nods while tugging on his cut. Grinning, I pull out my phone and text Phoenix quick. I’m just about to put my phone away when it dings again. However, the text isn’t from Phoenix, it’s from Smoke.

Smoke: Not sure why they did it, but guess which four bunnies snuck into the kitchen last night and threw out most of the food that was bought yesterday?

My phone pings again and there are pictures of them throwing the food into trash bags and then hauling them out into the dumpsters.


I look up and notice Levi looking at me worriedly. I don’t miss the fact that she used my real name, but my argument dies on my tongue when I see how worried she is. “Sorry, but you didn’t answer to Thor which is why I said Ryan. Are you okay? You bent your fork. Also, why are your hands all bandaged up?”

Glancing down at my hand, I drop my now bent in half fork. “I’ll be fine, Wildcat. The bandages are because I gripped the table a little too hard after learning some stuff earlier. Patch took care of me, and yes, we’ll fill you in later.”

I look over at Dragon and nod. Turning back to Levi, I grin at her. “Back to the bunnies. Your ideas are perfect and I want to implement them right away. However, first, we need to make a different announcement.”

She looks between us worriedly, but she doesn’t need to be worried.

“Don’t worry your pretty little head, Spitfire. Your ideas are fantastic, and I think our brothers are going to love them. The bunnies will either need to get with the program or they’ll suffer the consequences. They can’t be shirking their duties, especially since they get a wage and free room and board.”

Her eyes widen before they narrow, and she clutches her mug so hard I’m afraid it might break and she’ll burn or cut herself.

“They get a wage, too? Fucking bitches! If I had known that, I would have tried to come up with a solution sooner! Bitches should have to pay back some of their wages for shirking their duties and give it to Roxy, Sarah, and Amy, since they’ve been picking up the slack,” she growls, and I grin.

“That’s not a bad idea, Wildcat.”

Standing up, I give her a quick kiss before walking over toward the open part of the common area. Phoenix hands me a box and with a chin lift, I turn toward everyone, whistling loudly. Chatter soon tapers off and everyone turns toward me.

“I have a couple of announcements to make. Wildcat and Dragon, can you please come join me up here?”

My brothers grin at me, knowing what’s in the box I’m holding. She steps beside me, looking worried sick. Hopefully, we’d be able to erase that worry in a moment.

“Spitfire, you mean the world to both Dragon and me. Would you honor us by becoming our Old Lady?”

She stares in shock at us, but when Dragon lifts the lid and she sees her property cut, her whole face lights up as she smiles.


Grinning, Dragon lifts her cut out of the box and she laughs when she sees her road name, Enchantress, stitched on it. After the first time we’d called her that, she asked why we called her it. We had always said it would take a special kind of woman who would be able to enchant both of us and she did that to both of us at first sight.

As she slips on her property cut, I don’t miss the daggers that some of the bunnies are sending her way. Clearing my throat, I look around the room.