Page 39 of Thor & Dragon

Giving them each a kiss, we get back to work.

As the afternoon wears on, I’ve taken devices out of all my jackets, purses, and a few more bras just in case. I set aside all of my shoes, as that would take some work to get those out without ruining them.

The guys insist I can buy new ones, but I love my boots, and I want to see if I could easily remove the devices first. Thankfully, the devices were sewn into the sidewalls of my boots, so those are easier. My heels and sandals… that’s going to be way more difficult. I managed to save a few of my favorites but finally cave on the rest, saying I’d buy new ones. The guys are a huge help and we make good progress.

I’m working through a box of electronics when I feel a change in the guys. Looking over at them, they seem frozen as they both stare into a box that’s in front of Ryan.

“What’s wrong?” I walk over to them and freeze.


It’s my box of toys. Nick hands one of the vibrators to me and with a shaky hand, I lift up my scanner.

It gives off two pings.

Swallowing the bile, I look it over more closely. There’s a device hidden in the battery chamber. Furrowing my brow, I continue looking over it again to figure out where the other one was. That’s when I notice Ryan holding a small box that I don’t recognize.

Looking up at them, they both look royally pissed off as they stare at the box. My stomach turns in knots as I lean closer to see what’s inside. Ryan turns the box in his hand and a flash drive along with a note comes out. With shaking hands, I pick up the note and freeze.

You’re so beautiful when you come, Princess, both inside and out. Can’t wait to see you coming with my dick in you. Have fun watching.

~ Fang

Dropping the note, I sprint outside, barely making it three feet before throwing up.

????[uydy] = Get

??????? ???? ???????[unosite svoi zadnicy] = Get your asses off

P??????????[rasskazyvaj] = Tell me/us

H??[net] = No

???????[spasibo] = Thank you

??????[syostry] = Sisters

The fury coursing through me at Fang’s note and what I’m guessing is on the flash drive damn near has me seeing red. As far as I’m concerned, all her toys are going in the trash. We’ll buy her new ones if she still wants them. The only thing that’s keeping me from losing it completely is the fact that my Spitfire needs me. Needs us.

Once she’s done throwing up, Ry sweeps her up into his arms and carries her inside. She looks so pale, and her hands are shaking. Following them inside, I make a pit stop in the kitchen and grab some bottles of water and a bowl in case she needs to throw up again. Not that I blame her one bit. That fucker took intimate moments of hers and recorded them. No doubt he used the videos for his own sick pleasure.

Levi’s sobs shake me out of my thoughts as Ry lays her down on the bed, toes off his boots and, lays down next to her. She instantly rolls toward him and buries her head in his chest. After setting the bowl and waters on the nightstand, I kick off my boots and crawl in behind her, wrapping an arm around her. We both hold her, pressing soft kisses to her forehead and shoulder as we try to help her calm down.

“We’ll get him, Wildcat. And when we do, he’ll pay for what he’s done to you.”

“Damn fucking straight, Spitfire.”

“He… he is so… g-getting s-skinned… a-alive,” she hiccups as she tries to catch her breath.

“Sounds like a plan, beautiful,” Ry says as he kisses her forehead.

“Did, did you… f-find any cameras… in the house… e-earlier?”

“Yeah, I found a few that weren’t ours and gathered them up. Our cameras are mainly external but we also have a few scattered throughout the house as a just in case. While they do always record, they aren’t monitored unless we need to look into something. I don’t know how he got them in our house already, but we’ll be looking into that.”

Levi nods but otherwise doesn’t say anything. Raising an eyebrow at Ry, he subtly shakes his head and frowns before kissing her forehead again. After a few moments, her breathing levels out some, and her hiccups cease.

“What’s going through that beautiful mind, Wildcat?”