Page 31 of Thor & Dragon

“About a year ago, Dragon and I started hooking up occasionally with a new bunny, Monica. We made sure she knew it was only a hook-up, nothing more. But over time, she got it in her head that it was more than that. She kept dropping hints that she wanted to be more with us, but we always squashed it immediately. Both of us reminded her again that it was just hookups. We didn’t keep it a secret that we also hooked up with other bunnies because we didn’t have a serious relationship with her, nor did we want one with her. She started going ballistic on the other girls and causing fights. Because of the problems she caused, we eventually kicked her out. Told her never to come back. That was three months ago.”

“But that didn’t stop her,” I grind out through clenched teeth. My body shakes with anger as the few memories I have bombarded me. I hate retelling this story, but he’s right. She needs to know, and it’s better for her to hear the truth rather than a fabricated story littered with lies.

Sighing, I run a hand over my face. Levi tucks herself under my arm as she lazily draws patterns on my chest. I relax a bit and kiss the top of her head as Thor continues.

“A couple of months ago, we were celebrating the club’s anniversary. A bit after midnight, Dragon decided to turn in. I was talking to an affiliated club president at the time and said I’d be home soon. It wasn’t even half an hour later when I headed to the house. When I opened the door, there was a trail of women’s clothing leading upstairs. We’d never brought a woman to the house for sex. We always took them to our rooms at the clubhouse. They all knew they weren’t allowed in here.”

I shiver as fury courses through me. Not being able to take it anymore, I step away from Levi and sink into a nearby chair in an effort to avoid punching a hole in the wall and scaring both of them. Leaning forward, I clench my fists to rein in the rage. Levi crouches in front of me and cups my cheek. I kiss her hand and sigh. Ihatethis part.

“What happened, Dragon?”

I sigh heavily again before pulling her up onto my lap and laying my forehead in the crook of her neck, inhaling her sweet jasmine scent. “I came home because I wasn’t feeling well. That rarely ever happens, but my head was spinning like crazy. I grabbed some waters, went up to my bedroom, and stripped before crashing on my bed.”

I shudder, and she tightens her grip around me. I open my mouth and close it. I couldn’t get the words out.

Thor clears his throat and from the corner of my eye, I could see the rage and anger radiating off him. Sasha’s eyes widen and start to get watery, most likely guessing where this was leading. Thor clears his throat again and continues.

“Following the trail of clothes to his bedroom, I saw Monica about to have sex with him, but he was barely conscious. After restraining her, I called Patch. Turns out she had a friend drug his beers. She got past the prospect at the gate, somehow, and snuck into our house. While restraining her, I also noticed she was wearing our mom’s wedding ring. We eventually got it out of her that she went through our things and found our mom’s ring tucked in Dragon’s dresser. She’d heard from someone about it being a family heirloom and that it was now in our possession since Dad had recently passed. She got it in her head that we were serious with her and that the ring should be hers. Along with being our Old Lady. Needless to say, we called the cops, and her ass was hauled out of here.” Thor shakes his head, and I hold on to Levi tighter.

“So last night when you said that, was she the one you both had meant?”

We both nod and shame rolls through me. I hate that she’d gotten the slip on us. On me.

Levi’s hand lifts my chin until I’m looking into her gorgeous green eyes that are misty with unshed tears. Eyes that also hold anger burning deep in them, but somehow, I can tell that her anger isn’t directed at me.

“None of that was your fault, Dragon. She drugged you and was about to take advantage of you. You both did what you could to make sure she couldn’t come back after she waved her crazy flag.”

I can’t help the chuckle that comes out at that last part before she continues.

“But even the best setup and security can be thwarted by a driven, crazy, psycho bitch. Honestly, I’m going to guess we haven’t seen the last of her. Especially if she has friends that are still bunnies here. If they find out I’m your guys’ woman, word will get back to her and I’ll bet my best blade that she’ll make an appearance at some point. Probably sooner rather than later. Especially if she really does think you guys were serious about making her your guys’ wife and Old Lady.”

My body tenses as fear rakes through me, and I notice Thor’s body going rigid.


“I’m right, aren’t I? She has friends that are still here?”

Thor and I lock eyes and nod.

“Yeah, there are four girls that are still here that she was really close to. Pretty sure she’s still friends with them. As soon as one of them hears the news, she’ll probably know in less than ten minutes.”

Levi scoots off my lap and stands up, pulling me to my feet in the process. She looks over to Sasha, and the pair grin as they chuckle darkly.

“Well, then, I think you should show us a picture of the bitch so that we know who to watch out for. Looks like our blades will be having fun soon.”

Sasha cackles at Levi’s words. Straight-up fucking cackles.

Both pull a blade out and flip them. Levi looks back at me, and damn, I almost kneel at the look she gives me. Thor pulls out his phone and shows them a picture of Monica before texting it to them as well.

“Don’t worry, Dragon. That bitch will regret doing that to you and damn, are my babies looking forward to meeting her.”

Levi grins evilly and flicks her tongue against the blade before sheathing it.


I pull her to me and crash my lips to hers. Thor groans, and when she pulls back from my kiss, he instantly twirls her before pulling her in for another bruising kiss.

As they separate, Sasha gives her a wicked grin. “We need to bring Alexei up to speed. His blades will want to play, too. No one messes with our?????.”