Page 157 of Thor & Dragon

Shock is evident on his face before he practically starts drooling. “You’re kidding me! Don’t tease me now, Half-pint. If you don’t have baby back ribs already marinating, then we’ll be going to the store as soon as we leave.”

“Baby back ribs have been seasoned. I also have some that have been in a marinade overnight. They’ll go on the smokers later. Mashed potatoes with gravy, roasted veggies, and corn on the cob. For dessert, I ordered cherry and apple pies from that new bakery in town.”

“Woman, if you’re not careful, I’ll put in a transfer just so I can keep eating your food. I’ll make Devil run the Junction Creek chapter,” he says as he winks at me.

My gaze cuts to Devil, who’s glaring at him. The Junction Creek guys all came down yesterday for Andre’s release from the hospital as a surprise for him.

“Nope! You’re not transferring. It’s bad enough I have to step up till the doctors release you. Not doing this without you, Reap.”

The guys bicker back and forth while I walk around the room, making sure everything is packed up.

As I’m looking through the cupboards, I jump when I close a door and Andre’s leaning against the wall.

“How long?” he asks quietly.

“Three hours. How long for you?”

“Two hours. I can’t wait for tomorrow.”

“Same. It’s like the closer we get, the more I need it.”

He leans forward and kisses my forehead. We both laugh when we hear twin growls.

“I get you claimed her as your sister, but stop kissing our woman, Reap,” Dragon says.

I laugh as he spins me, kissing me senseless before Thor does the same. I slip my arms around Thor’s waist, giggling at seeing Andre fake gagging. He winks at me, but my heart squeezes when I realize he’s deflecting. Shit, I hope he doesn’t think this has ruined him for finding someone.

A nurse comes into the room with the discharge paperwork and I’m grateful for the reprieve. When he’s ready, I’ll be there for him to talk, but in no way will I be pushing the subject.

It doesn’t take long, and we’re all walking back to the truck.

“You’re chariot awaits,” Thor teases him.

“Fuck, this is gonna suck to be in a cage for so long. Can we at least roll the windows down?”

“Hey, we’re in the same boat you are, man,” Dragon groans.

“Ha! I’ve got all three of you beat. I can’t ride my bike or either of my men’s bikes until these babies come, since my due date is mid-February. Then I have to wait for spring or good weather. Suck it up buttercups!”

“Shit, I didn’t think about that, but yeah, definitely don’t want you on a bike with the little jellybeans incubating,” Andrea says with a wince.

Throwing my hair up in a messy bun, I put my shades down and roll down the windows as Thor backs out of our parking spot and heads home.

The ribs are on the grill and Uncle Bear and Dad offered to man them tonight. I tried to help the girls with the other dishes, but they banned me from the kitchen, telling me to rest and enjoy the party.

But the truth is, I’m not enjoying the party. I’m antsy and my fingers itch to throw a blade. Everything in me wants to go downstairs. I know the guys have been ‘keeping them company’, but I’m ready to end this. Tomorrow can’t come soon enough.

With a sigh, I head to Thor’s office, deciding now’s a good time as any to do what I had planned tonight. I definitely don’t want to do it later when the hang arounds arrive. There’ve been some new ones lately and I’ve gotta say, I’m not impressed. They are the cattiest girls I’ve seen in a while and are downright bitches. That’s another reason why I’m missing my cut. I’m tired of having to fight with them about my men.

Unlocking the door, I dig my black journal out of my bag that I’d stashed here earlier and carefully tear out the pages. While I do plan to rip up the pages and burn them, I hate leaving my notebooks messy. Folding the pages as best as I can since there are so many of them, I tuck them into my back pocket before securing my bag and relocking the door.

A few of the guys say hello on my way to the backyard, but I don’t stop to talk. I step into the kitchen quick to grab a water and then I grab the matches out of the pantry. Sasha gives me a small smile and a hug before teasingly kicking me out again. I’m thankful for the distraction because I don’t want the other women to know about this. Not yet, at least.

Once outside, I’m grateful not too many people are out here yet. I grab a few logs from the woodpile and make my way to the far firepit.

When the fire’s lit, I pull a chair close, putting my back to the clubhouse. Taking the pages, I unfold them and start tearing them up before tossing little balls of paper into the fire. I don’t need to read them. With how much I’ve written the past of couple weeks, the memories of what’s on the pages are still at the forefront of my mind.

I’ve just thrown in the last ball from the second page of my stack when I jump, startled that the chairs surrounding the firepit all shuffling closer. I blink out of my thoughts and realize Andre is sitting to my right. My guys, Dad, Uncle Bear, Jax, the twins, and Ethan all sit down. My heart melts when I see my family all here for us. Andre reaches out a hand and I clasp it, holding it.