Page 135 of Thor & Dragon

“What about Travis? Why did he choose Wisconsin University?”

Her brow furrows. “I honestly don’t know now that I think about it. The guys would sometimes razz him for following us like a lost puppy dog. His response was that he followed cause someone had to keep us out of trouble.” She laughs and shakes her head.


“It’s just that Travis is actually the least responsible one out of all of us. Honestly, I think it’s his parent’s fault. Mr. and Mrs. West are old school in their thoughts, where a woman’s place is in the house and pregnant. They hated how independent Sasha and I were and were very vocal about it. After meeting them that first time, we never met again at his house. They are extremely religious, and I’m not saying that’s a bad thing, but they were very over-the-top extreme about it. And as if those aren’t enough reasons, they are also among the top five, if not the top wealthiest, families here in Forest Creek. Travis is spoiled rotten.

“When we were living in the apartments, Alexei and Ethan would always complain about how much of a slob Travis was. He got a bit better in that aspect over the years since the guys forced him to carry his own weight in that regard, but still. It was annoying and sometimes I felt like we were his keepers.”

“Where did they live on campus?”

“In the same apartment complex as me. There was only one three-bedroom apartment available, and the rest were all single apartments. The guys rented the bigger apartment together and Sasha and I got our own apartments, even though we wanted to share one if possible. Shortly after we moved in, we met Sam, who was next door to me. He hung out with us a lot. Remember the group of us in those pictures Fang sent that were from our apartment? The other guy that was with the five of us a lot? That was Sam.”

I chewed on my lip.

“Can I see your pictures on your phone again, Spitfire?”

Her brow creases, but she pulls out her phone and unlocks it.

“Yeah, but is there something that you’re looking for? What are you thinking?”

“I have an idea, but I’d rather see the pictures first to see if I’m wrong. I don’t want to say something unless I have a pretty good idea I’m right.”

I flip through the pictures and occasionally Spitfire would laugh and tell me what they were doing when they took the photos.

Shit. I think I’m right. And that makes me fucking pissed that I missed it. Either his feelings have changed, or he’s gotten damn good at hiding them.

I stop and back out before scrolling back to the first one that caught my eye before I laid the phone down on my chest. Fuck, do I want to punch that little traitor even more now. Exhaling heavily, Levi sits up and faces me.


“I think he likes you. Hell, maybe even love you, Spitfire.”

Her jaw drops in shock before she starts laughing.

“There’s no way he loves me like that. He’s like a brother.”

“The way he looks at you in these pictures isn’t in a brotherly way, babe.”

“What? No, he doesn’t. Besides, I’m nothing like the girls he would date or hook up with.” She pauses and then shakes her head.

I lift the phone and show her the first picture. They’re around a campfire and Levi and Sasha were making silly faces while they roasted marshmallows. Off to the side, Travis has a lovesick smile on his face as he stares at Levi.

“He could be looking at either of us in that picture.”

“All right, then what about this one? Or this one? Or this one?”

I keep flipping through the pictures and I see it slowly sinking in before she snatches the phone out of my hand and flips through more pictures. She drops her hands in her lap in frustration.

“No. Travis has always gone after skinnier women with big boobs, though she always has blond or red hair, but that’s the only similarity to us. They were always the types that would do whatever he said. Honestly, I always wondered where he found them because if they were at Wisconsin University, then they had to be getting an MRS degree cause, wow.”

She grimaces as if she’s remembering the women.

Pieces are definitely clicking together and I’m not liking where this is going, but before I say anything, the door opens and Patch walks in. He looks between us and pauses.

“Am I interrupting anything?”

“Yeah, but it’s okay cause I’ll be bringing it up to the guys in a bit.”