The technician puts the wand inside Wildcat, then clicks a few buttons and knobs. A whoosh sound fills the air and the screen lights up.
I have no idea what I’m supposed to be looking for. All I can see is some white stuff and black areas.
The technician’s forehead creases and she clicks a few more buttons. She must reposition the wand because the image changes slightly.
“Well, based on your babies size, you are seven weeks along and their heartbeats are strong.”
I blink as I stare at her. Did she just say what I think she said?
“Wait, did you say babies? As in more than one?” Levi asks.
I grin when the technician nods.
“Yup, you’re pregnant with twins. Congratulations! I’ll get you some pictures printed off where you can see both of them.”
“Oh my gosh, congratulations,” Nikki cries out and hugs a shocked Levi.
“When would she be due?” Smoke asks.
“Well, a full-term pregnancy would be February 9th, but since you’re having twins, you’ll most likely go into labor early. I’m sure Dr. Rowen will cover that with you in a bit.”
Wildcat’s staring at the screen in shock. I reach over and squeeze her hand. She turns toward me and smiles, her eyes misty with tears.
“We’re having twins,” she whispers and rubs her stomach with her other hand.
“We’re having twins,” Dragon and I say back to her in unison. I turn to Dragon, who grins and claps my shoulder. When I look back to the screen, the technician is labeling two black dots as Baby A and Baby B.
Holy shit.
I lean forward and kiss her belly.
After a couple of minutes, the technician hands Wildcat the pictures.
“Congratulations again. The doctor will be in shortly.”
Levi nods absently as she stares at the pictures.
Smoke leans down and kisses the top of her head. “Congrats, kiddo. We’ll step out to give you some privacy.”
“Thank you and thank you for being here with me.” Levi sits up and pulls him in for a hug, which irritates the fuck out of me. She’s naked under that thin sheet of paper.
“Settle down, caveman,” Wildcat says as she shakes her head. She hugs Nikki one more time and then they leave.
“Holy shit,” Levi says as she exhales loudly. Both her hands cradle her stomach. “It’s really sinking in now. I’m a mom and there are two little jellybeans growing in me.”
A worried look comes over her face and she bites her lip.
“What’s wrong, Spitfire?”
“Having twins means I’m going to get huge. Are you guys going to still love me when I’m as big as a house? Things don’t always go back to normal after you have kids. I’ll probably have stretch marks and saggy skin, and…”
I cut off her rambling with a kiss. She moans and runs her hands through my hair. When I pull back, Dragon kisses her. When they separate, I place a hand over her stomach.
“Levi, none of that is going to change how I feel about you. I love you, Wildcat. And I love our babies.”
“And that includes any shape you’re in. I love you for you and already love our babies like crazy.”
The smile that lights up her face is absolutely fucking gorgeous. I kiss her again but pull back when I hear a knock.