“How about we get a drink?” I said as I slowly reached for my gun. “I don’t think Lorenzo will be back anytime soon, and when he does return, he’ll be in for a surprise. I assume the cameras are off already.”

“Yes, they are. And yes, I need a drink too.” Giacomo waved his hand.

I held my gun tightly in my hand, holding it hidden under my jacket.

“Ah, finally,” Giacomo said as we got our drinks.

I shifted my hand, aiming the gun at him so that no one could see.

“To our success!” Giacomo lifted his glass toward me.

I pulled the trigger.

The shot rang out and the whole room went silent, the music stopping.

Giacomo’s eyes were wide, the glass falling out of his hand and shattering against the floor.

But there was no time to watch my father breathe out his last breath. The club had been reserved just for Lorenzo and me, but the guards were still here.

As the women screamed and ran for cover, the guards rushed toward me.

I quickly crouched behind the chairs, firing at the men.

More gunfire rang out just outside, which meant the fight had started. I hit one of the guards in the side of his head, and he went down.

Getting to my feet, I threw a chair at the other, distracting him, and then I fired.

The bullet got him in the chest.

No one else was coming my way, but my phone was buzzing in my pocket.

Miguel’s number was on the screen.

I was about to ignore the call, but I had to know what my gang was up to and stop them before they did anything stupid.

“This better be important,” I said.

“Boss! Ricky escaped! He got his hands on the information you used to get the Casadei girl. Your father promised him money if he killed her.”

My breath caught in my chest. “And you’re telling me this now?!”

“There was no time. I almost caught him, but he tied me up and left. I just got free and I—”

I ended the call, racing for the exit.

Nothing else mattered, just Claudia.

That son of a bitch wasn’t getting anywhere near her.

It was a good thing I still remembered everything about the Casadeis’ security system. They’d probably changed some things and upgraded the security in the house after what had happened, but moving the landmines and tripwires would be too complicated and pointless.

Ricky could still get to Claudia if she got out of the house and the guards didn’t see him.


I ducked behind a dumpster because the war was still raging around the club. Waiting for the right moment, I raced away from there and kept my head down.

Once I reached my car, I gunned the engine.