He briefly disappeared from view. I furrowed my brow when he returned with rope in his hands. He unlocked the cell door.
I backed away from him as he started toward me. What the hell was he going to do with that thing?
I broke into a run, hoping to get past him and out of the cell, but he was faster. He caught me into a tight embrace, winding the rope around my wrists.
I thrashed and screamed, but it was futile.
My wrists were now tied behind my back, and Pablo tightly held me by the arm. His fingers brushed against my cheek impossibly gently as he gazed at me.
I spat at him, fury coursing through my veins.
He pushed me facedown on the cot.
“I warned you,” he said as he crouched next to me. “Apologize, and I might—”
“No!” I hated him so much I wanted to scream.
He brought his palm down hard on my ass, making me yelp in surprise. A weird warm feeling spread through me as he did it again.
And again.
“Next time you disobey me, I won’t let you keep your clothes on.”
My insides tingled at his words, and I didn’t even know why.
“What do you want from me?” I yelled as he got to his feet. “Let me go!”
“You’ll pay for what you did,” he said, his face serious.
“What I did? What are you talking about?”
He just locked the cell door and left.
The rope dug into my skin as I tried to loosen it.
Pablo was completely crazy. He didn’t know what he was talking about.
He returned a moment later and placed a new camera just outside the cell, out of my reach.
Without another word to me, he strolled away.
Had he lost his mind?
He must have, because I didn’t have any other explanation for this.