“Do you want a drink?” Lorenzo asked.

“Yeah, sure.” I’d rather do anything except think about my biggest mistake.


“HONEY, DID YOU HAVEa good time?” my mom asked, her eyes filled with concern.

We’d just gotten home from the party—well, only my dad, my mom, and I. Stella and Dante had their own home. Lorenzo was out somewhere, and Tomasso had to be getting to know that girl he’d met at the party even better.

“Yeah, sure.” I spread my lips into a smile. “It was a great party.”

“Whenever I looked at you, you seemed to be on your own or talking to your brothers.”


“Stella and I think you should be a teacher at her school. Your Physics degree could be—”

“No, Mom. I don’t want that.”

“I’m just saying. It would be good for you to go out and spend some time with people. Find some friends. You can’t be stuck in the house all the time, and you know Stella’s school that’s close to her house is one of the most protected places ever. Everyone is carefully vetted.”

“You mean I won’t meet a gang member there.” I let out a sigh.

“That was a long time ago, honey. All I want is for you to be happy.”

“I know, Mom. I’ll think about it.” I gave her a quick hug, even though there was nothing to think about.

I didn’t see myself as a teacher. Maybe it would be different if I’d managed to get a degree in Psychology instead. I’d started it in Spain, but after everything that had happened, I couldn’t bring myself to continue.

It just reminded me of Pablo.

And ugh, I again reminded myself of him right now.


Was he ever going to leave my mind?

I pushed the door to my room open and turned on the lights. As I was halfway to my closet, I glanced at the mirror above my dressing table.

A gasp escaped my lips, my heart jumping into my throat.

A dark shadow stood behind me.

And I looked straight into Pablo’s fiery dark eyes.

I opened my mouth to scream.

He grabbed me from behind, clamping something over my mouth and nose. I thrashed as I tried to fight him off, but dark spots filled my vision.

And then everything was black.