I was rooted to the spot as I watched him leave.

Tears welled up in my eyes. Maybe I was a fool for falling for someone like him.

I’d thought I could get past the idea that everything bad that had happened was my fault and that I was paying for my mistakes. But how else to explain this?

It had to be some kind of divine punishment. To make me believe that I could have what I’d always wanted and then rip it away from me again.

Only because I’d dared to hope for love.

For some normalcy in this crazy world.

I broke into a run, going straight to my room.

The universe hated me.

If only I’d never met Pablo.

My heart had only just started to mend, and now it was broken again.

All the good work undone.

If only I could erase Pablo from my mind.

Except, then I wouldn’t have any of the wonderful moments we’d had together either.

I didn’t want to lose that, no matter how much it hurt.