Chapter 15

MAYBE CLAUDIA WAS DIFFERENTfrom what I thought. She’d surprised me so much with her cooking skills that I’d even tried one of her Christmas cookies.

That damn cookie was to die for, anyway.

The best thing I’d ever tasted in my whole life.

But I couldn’t let her get into my head. I had my plan, and I was going to stick with it. Being around Claudia wasn’t easy when all I wanted was to kiss her and bury myself inside her.

I’d dragged this out for too long. The whole point was to get her out of my system and forget the past, not talk to her, get to know her, and entangle myself even more with her.

There was a solution for that, though, and I knew just how to get from her exactly what I wanted. I could see how she looked at me.

She’d been attracted to me when she’d met me, and she still was, even if she didn’t want to admit it to herself.

After what I’d put her through, she needed a break. A little bit of pleasure to make her forget everything, even if it was just for a while.

Even if it was with me.

But first, I had to get her a bikini.


SWIMMING HAD ALWAYSbeen one of my favorite activities, and this house had its own indoor pool. It was the only nice part of this place, and it wasn’t just because I kept it warm.

A place where I felt free, even if it was only for a while.

Claudia padded after me, and when I glanced over my shoulder, her forehead was creased. She had to be wondering what we were doing here, but she’d find out soon enough.

I’d been surprised how quickly she’d agreed to come with me and put on the black bikini I’d gotten for her, but maybe she’d been hoping the pool was somewhere outside.

But instead of looking at the pool, she focused her attention on something else. A table in the corner that was full of rocks of all sizes.

“What are these for?” she asked as she went closer to inspect them, a small smile on her face.

“Just rocks. I collect them.”

Her eyebrows shot up when she met my gaze. “You collect rocks?”

I nodded.

“How did that happen?”

“It just did.” I didn’t want to think about it, but my mind instantly transported me back to the cold floor of my cell.

A small rock had been in one of the corners, and I’d picked it up, rolling it between my fingers. It had been the only fun thing to do to pass the time that had seemed endless.

I didn’t want Claudia to ask any more questions, so I shrugged out of my shirt, and then I yanked my pants and underwear down.

That got her attention.

She was staring at me with desire in her eyes, even though she forced her gaze away from me a moment later.

I waited for her as she approached.

“Why—” she started to say, but I grabbed her and pulled her with me.

A yelp escaped her throat a moment before we fell into the pool. She gasped for breath as we popped up on the surface.