Chapter 13

I GLANCED AT MY PHONEto make sure Claudia was still where she was supposed to be, and then I got out of the car and grabbed the bag I had with me.

The Casadeis still believed Benjamin Romano was the one who had Claudia, and they didn’t believe his claims that he didn’t.

But if I wanted my plan to keep working, I had to make sure they kept following the wrong trail. I slunk through the shadows, my way only lit up by the moonlight.

I’d been watching Benjamin and his men for a while, and I knew they took the women they’d kidnapped and captured through this area so they could send them off to wherever they needed them.

Getting anywhere near human traffickers was never a good idea because they were willing to do a lot of things to keep their businesses a secret.

But Dante Lombardi and Claudia’s father had been trying to weed them out, and if they believed Benjamin had taken Claudia because of their efforts, they would hit the traffickers with all they got.

It was a win-win. Benjamin had to go, and Claudia’s family had to be distracted so they wouldn’t find her.

I just had to give them a little push because they were still gathering evidence and trying to figure out where Claudia might be.

Even though I’d expected them to attack every stronghold and hideout they knew Benjamin had, they hadn’t done it, probably because they were afraid Benjamin would kill Claudia then.

I stopped under a tree and opened my bag. I’d taken Claudia’s clothes that she’d been wearing when I’d snatched her.

I was sure the Casadeis would be searching through this area often. They’d find the clothes eventually, and then they’d have their confirmation that Benjamin was involved. Hopefully, they’d start a war anyway, and I’d have as much time as I wanted with Claudia.

As I lifted Claudia’s clothes so I could cut and rip them, her scent that still clung to them made me pause.

An image of her with her mouth around my cock flashed through my mind, and just like that, I was getting hard again.

It was ridiculous. I wasn’t a boy who couldn’t control himself anymore, and yet, whenever I thought about her, I wanted her like a thirsty man wanted water in the middle of a desert.

A blowjob wasn’t enough.

I wanted more.

I wanted to have a taste of her.

See her writhe in pleasure, completely surrendered to me, as I ate her pussy.

I wanted to drive myself inside her as deep as possible.


I had to stop thinking about her all the damn time.

Pulling out my knife, I slashed at her clothes, and then I tossed them around. Then I hurried out of there before anyone could see me.

On my way home, I glared at all the Christmas decorations everywhere. All the houses were full of flashy lights, and Christmas trees were on every corner.

Christmas was usually the worst time of the year for me, but maybe this time, it would be different. Before, I didn’t have Claudia with me.

Would I get bored with her? Would I be over her before Christmas?

That remained to be seen.


ONCE I GOT HOME, ANidea came to my mind. Getting food for Claudia and me every day seemed like a waste of time, and it increased my chances of getting caught.

It would be easier just to get the groceries once a week. I never knew who was watching, and the less I showed my face around, the better.