But I was still alive, and I wasn’t going to let her drag me to the bottom of the sea with her.

I wanted her on her knees in front of me.

When she was done, I heard her soft footsteps coming closer, and I turned around. She gave me a defiant look, her shoulders straight, her chin up, even if her body was only wrapped in a white towel.

I had to fight the urge to rip the towel off her, bend her over the sink, and fuck her so deep and hard her moans would echo through the room.

“Now brush your teeth,” I said.

She glanced at me as I stepped away so she could approach the sink. As she grabbed the toothpaste and a toothbrush, her gaze kept meeting mine in the mirror.

“I did what you wanted,” she said when she was finished. “Can I have some food now? And some new clothes?”

“First, go back to your cell.”

She pressed her lips into a tight line. It was impressive to see fire still burning in her eyes, even though she had to be exhausted and hungry.

Once she was in her cell, I locked the door and headed upstairs. When I returned, Claudia watched me with wary eyes.

I dropped a big duffel bag on the floor and opened it. It was full of food containers.

“You get to choose,” I said, opening one of the containers with two loaves of old bread. “Do you want this?” I turned the container toward her so she could see it. “Or you can get everything that’s in the bag. There’s some delicious stuff. French fries. Toast. Chicken. Even a thermal mug with soup. But you’ll have to do something for the second option. The first one is free.”

She eyed the bag, holding the towel close to herself, her arm draped over her stomach.

I knew full well what it was like to be so hungry you were willing to chew on anything. But no one had ever offered me a feast. Maybe I shouldn’t be offering it to her either, but she needed to eat something.

“What would I have to do?” she asked.

I fought the urge to smile and kept my face expressionless. “You’ve been very disobedient. You tried to get my gun, and you even spat on me. I haven’t forgiven you for that yet. But, if you agree to a proper spanking. Naked. Over my knee...” My cock was growing hard with every word I said.

She approached the bars, and then she reached through the gap and snatched the two loaves of bread from the container.

A smile curved my lips.

She really was a fighter.

“All right,” I said, tossing the empty container back into the bag.

“Can I have my clothes back?” she asked.

“No.” I grabbed the bag and strode away.

Maybe I should be disappointed she hadn’t given me what I wanted, but I wasn’t. It would only make it more satisfying once she finally submitted.