But what about Adriana? If I escape, Cesare will think I lied to him. He’ll be furious, and then he’ll take it all out on Adriana. I don’t know where she is.

I wouldn’t get to her in time. Cesare has my phone, and while he can’t use it, I can’t get in touch with my men without it either. It would all take too much time. Adriana could die, and I can’t risk that.

I take a deep breath. Is what I feel for her love? I guess it is. I’ve liked her for a very long time, before I even knew what it was that I was feeling. And now... she completely sneaked her way into my heart.

It’s sad I’ll never find out how our story ends or how she really feels about me. But at least I spent some awesome time with her, and that’s what counts. It’s better than having died without experiencing any of it.

Cesare opens the door, surprise flickering through his eyes. “You’re still here.”

“And where would I be?”

“I don’t know.”

He expected me to run. Of course he did.

“Here’s the contract. Actually, your will.” He waves a sheet of paper and sticks a pen between my fingers. “It’ll be easier to make your family believe you wanted to leave everything to Adriana, so you gave me everything so I can take care of her. I’ll blame one of your enemies for your death.”

I grasp the pen and quickly read through the text to make sure Cesare isn’t trying to trick me. But if he’s smart, he’ll honor our deal. He’s right that my family will come after him unless the whole thing seems legit. They’ll know it’s my signature.

“Sign here.” He flattens his palm against the paper for support. “You’ll die a saint. Can you imagine? Everyone will think you left everything in your best friend’s hands because they all know your poor fiancée will be too grief-stricken after your death, and as a woman, she’d have one hell of a time running your business against all your bloodthirsty enemies. I’m doing you a favor.”

“Just leave her alone,” I snap as I manage to sign.

Cesare grins as he looks at my signature. “Do you want to take one last look at the love of your life? It’s so fucking weird you fell in love with my sister.” He pulls out his phone and turns the screen to me. “Look. She’s in love with you too.”

Adriana stares at the camera as she’s standing in the middle of a square as cars and people pass her by. Tears stream down her face. A woman approaches her, probably asking her if she needs help, but Adriana just shakes her head and the woman leaves.

I swallow hard. Will she cry when she finds out I’m dead? I grit my teeth. I wish there was something I could do. Make her forget me. But she will. Eventually.

“Are you ready to die?” Cesare slips his phone back into his pocket.

I meet his gaze. “Yes.”

Adriana will be fine. She’ll be alive, and she’ll smile again. I just won’t be there to see it, and it breaks my heart.

There are so many things we could’ve done together. So much more we could’ve experienced. But now it’s all over. For me, anyway. Not for her.

A smile curves my lips.

Cesare watches me and then bursts out laughing. I frown at him. He tears the paper I signed into pieces that fall all over the floor.

“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask.

“You and my sister... I didn’t believe it when I heard it. You two used to hate each other. I was sure you did something to her.” He pulls out a knife and cuts through the zip ties. “But you were really ready to give up everything and die for her. That’s just... Wow. I was so sure you were playing her, but you actually love her.”

“So this was a test?”

“Yeah, and you passed with flying colors. I thought you were going to make a run for it. I even made it easy, but no. You signed that crap. Does she really mean that much to you?”

“She does. And you’re an asshole.” I wipe the blood off my mouth.

“You’re not wrong about that.” His face grows serious. “But if you hurt her, I’m going to kill you. You know that, right?”

“Where is Adriana?” I get to my feet.

“Slow down.” He places his hand on my chest. “We’re all going home. You’ll meet her there.”

“What?” I smack his hand away because I’m not exactly ready to be friends with him right away after all this.