What is he talking about? I vaguely remember that he had a Band-Aid in that same spot in school for maybe a week, but I have no idea what happened to him or when exactly it happened.

Why would it be my fault? I fantasized about hitting him over the head with something, but I’ve never done it. Unfortunately.

I look at him just as he drops the towel.

Fuck. Me.

I stare at his ass, then finally manage to tear my gaze off him. It’s crazy how ridiculously attractive he is, but it’s just physical.

Inside, he’s trash. I can’t let myself ever forget that.

Sure, it’s sweet that he cares about his grandma enough to try to pull all this off, but maybe I’m wrong and he has ulterior motives. Maybe there’s a huge inheritance he’s hoping to get, although he’s a mafia boss himself. He already has everything he needs.

Unless he’s like Cesare. My brother is never happy with anything. Whenever he gets something, he’s already thinking about the next thing he wants.

But I shouldn’t be trying to find anything good in Salvatore. He and I aren’t friends, and we definitely won’t be lovers. I just have to survive these few days, play my role, and then I can go back to my life.

If Cesare is too pissed off because I left without telling him anything, I’ll have to find some other place to stay. Maybe I can go to Enzo. I don’t even know everything that’s been happening with him.

We only had a brief conversation over the phone, and he didn’t want to tell me anything because I was in Salvatore’s hotel. Talking over the phone is always risky, especially when you’re surrounded by enemies. Salvatore might pretend that he’s not my enemy at the moment, but I don’t trust him.

The only reason he hasn’t told Cesare anything is because he needs me. He might still tell Cesare everything after he pulls off his little stunt, but I can threaten to tell the truth to his grandma if he does that, so maybe it’s not all lost.

I’ll have to meet with Cesare and Enzo in person, probably separately, because I can’t imagine they’d want to be anywhere near each other. I’m just happy they’re both still alive and breathing. We can figure out everything else eventually.

“You should get dressed,” Salvatore says. “My family will be here soon.”

I look up at him. Even in a suit, he’s still beyond handsome.

“Okay.” I just glare at him until he walks through the door.

Once he’s gone, I hop to my feet and lock the door. It’s a good thing there’s a key. I don’t want him to interrupt me.

Grabbing the scissors from under my pillow, I hurry to the closet. It’s time to turn one of those ugly dresses into something wearable, and hell, maybe I should make it a little sexier than what I usually wear, just to annoy Salvatore.

I grin.

Oh yeah, I don’t care if I’m a little uncomfortable. I just want to see the look in his eyes when I step in front of him and his family. It’ll be totally worth it.



Happy chatter fills the foyer,and the house is now livelier than ever. Just like I remember it. Everyone’s here. My uncles, my aunts, my cousins, and of course, my mom and my grandma.

“Where is your fiancée?” my grandma asks as she looks around.

A big black hat covers her head, and she’s thinner than I’ve ever seen her. But her brown eyes are as keen as ever. The thought of losing her breaks my heart. I spent so many amazing summers with her and Grandpa when I was a kid.

It was the only time when I was truly free and happy. Just running around this house, in nature and away from the bleak city... It was everything.

My grandpa also had horses and rabbits, and two mean-looking dogs that were actually the gentlest creatures ever. I used to fall asleep nestled between them.

Then there was my grandma. Always telling me stories and making me believe I could do anything I wanted. Convincing me that my father had issues and that he was totally wrong when he said I was good for nothing.

“Well?” She raises her eyebrows at me.

“She’s—” I look up, and I forget what I want to say.