The only thing that matters is that she’s here with me. I can’t just bring any girl because no one in my family bothers to hide who and what we are when we’re together, and my grandma would never believe me if I told her I wanted to marry an ordinary girl.
Ordinary people and the mafia don’t mix together well. Even if I found a woman I liked and she was willing to enter my world, it would be a lot of work and she’d have to walk away from her whole life.
And then, if it turned out she couldn’t handle it or we weren’t for each other, it would be impossible for her to go back and a huge security risk for me. It’s better not to even try.
I have no intention of really marrying anyone, mafia or not. There’s no way I’ll be miserable with some mafia bride who I don’t like and who doesn’t like me just because everyone expects me to get married and have an heir.
Getting to know a mafia princess is impossible because her family usually doesn’t allow her to go out with anyone on her own. I don’t want to marry a stranger or someone’s puppet.
The only mafia princess who can somewhat do what she wants is Adriana, but she’s... Adriana.
Definitely not wife material.
Despite her stubbornness and insistence on doing everything her way, she’s the perfect choice for pulling off my plan.
She’s beautiful. Her piercing blue eyes and her long black hair make her look like an icy queen, but there’s a whole lot of fire inside her. And her lean yet curvy body would make any man’s head turn. She’s just that fucking hot.
She’s also my best friend’s sister, and I’ve been around her a lot. I don’t think many will be too surprised by my choice.
I can’t believe I got so lucky to find myself in the right place at the right time because she would’ve never agreed to do any of this otherwise.
If everything goes as planned, Cesare will never find out. It’s better that way. He’d never forgive me.
He adores Adriana, and he would be very offended because I didn’t approach him with my intentions. If I told him it was all fake, he’d be even more pissed off at me for tarnishing his sister’s reputation. He probably already has plans for her marriage.
But my family and relatives don’t live anywhere near Milan and don’t know anyone there except me, so I can keep lying to them about being with Adriana and no one in Milan will know about any of it.
I just want my grandma to be happy and die peacefully. She’s been obsessing about me getting married ever since I turned eighteen. Doctors say she only has a few more months left as all the treatments we tried have stopped working.
There’ll be no need to fake a wedding too. I would fake anything if it meant she’d get to live a few years more, but I’ll take what I can get.
Any moment I get to spend with her is precious. Luckily for me, she’d never be satisfied with a quick, small wedding, even if it meant she’d be there. She likes things to be done properly.
“Why don’t you come closer?” I say to Adriana, patting my leg. “You can sit on my lap like my real fiancée. It’ll be good practice.”
I don’t know why I love taunting her so much. It’s just so damn fun.
She raises her middle finger at me.
“Are you trying to get me to spank you? Because I wouldn’t mind doing that.” I grin.
When I sneaked into her room, I found her stories on her laptop. The stuff she wrote... It was basically porn. My cock twitches in my pants just thinking about it.
She takes the glass with her drink and lifts it. “Shut the fuck up, or I’ll throw this at your head.”
“Are you trying to crash the plane?”
“If I was sure it would kill you, I would. Don’t tempt me.” She narrows her eyes at me and lowers her glass.
I keep smiling at her because I know it’ll only annoy her more.
She may be the perfect, believable choice for my fake fiancée, but will she be able to play her role without snapping? It’s always a risk, but I don’t mind a little bit of suspense and danger.
* * *
I takea deep breath as I look at the two-story house in front of me. It’s exactly how I remember it, and nothing ever changes about it. It’s not cheap to keep it in perfect condition, but it’s totally worth it.
“This place means everything to my family,” I say to Adriana as she stops next to me. “You should feel honored to be here. The house is over a hundred years old.”