I glance at Adriana, who gives me a small smile. Our families might be a little crazy, but we still love them.

We’re going to start our own family. I just know it, and I like that idea more than I ever thought I would. Getting married or having a child doesn’t make my skin crawl with dread.

My father would’ve never moved a finger to save my mom. He would’ve offered her instead to save himself. He would’ve given me up too.

But I’m not like him. I’ll never be like him, and I don’t have to fear Adriana and I will end up resenting each other.

If she doesn’t like something, she’ll just tell me. She’ll never be afraid of me or too terrified to speak her mind, and I wouldn’t want it any other way.



“She looks like you,”Salvatore says as he cradles our baby in his arms.

“No, she has your eyes.” I grin.

It’s been two years since we realized there was something more going on between us. One year since we got married. And now we have our daughter, Claudia.

“Okay, my eyes. But everything else is you. She’s too beautiful,” he says.

“Mmm, I don’t know, but I agree with the last part. She’s gorgeous.”

“I wish my grandma could’ve met her.”

“I know.” I place my hand on his shoulder and squeeze gently. “Maybe she’s watching over us right now.”

Salvatore’s grandma was thrilled when we announced we were getting married for real. She passed away only two weeks after the wedding, happy and at peace because she’d gotten her biggest wish.

“I’m sure she is,” Salvatore says with a small smile.

Baby Claudia stirs in his arms and starts crying.

“What’s wrong, little one?” he coos.

It’s adorable to see him like this. I can already tell he’s going to be a wonderful father.

“Maybe I should sing her a lullaby. She likes that,” I say.

Salvatore’s eyes bulge in fake shock. “Then I better get out of here.”

“Oh, come on!” I roll my eyes at him as he places Claudia in my arms.

He pretends to sneak out of the room, and I burst into laughter.

“What? You’re a terrible singer,” he teases.

“I hate you!” I say as he goes through the door.

“No, you don’t.” He shouts from the hallway.

I look down at Claudia. She’s no longer crying.

“Salvatore!” I call.

“What?” He pokes his head through the door.

There’s no way he’d ever leave Claudia and me. Since she was born, he has no time for anything else but us. He’s my rock. My biggest supporter. He’s everything I’ve always dreamed about.