“Someone alerted the cops about weird things happening, so... we’re going home. And Adriana’s fine. I sent someone for her. They’ll tell her you’re okay.”
“She better be.” I shoot him a glare. “I can’t believe you pulled all this crap! You’re fucking crazy.”
“Relax. Let’s forget about all this. I’ll buy you a drink. You can punch me if you want.”
“Whatever.” I walk past him.
If I punch him, I’m going to keep doing that, so it’s better if I don’t. Adriana would want me to show mercy to her brother. I think. But maybe not even she is so generous and good.
We’ll see. All I care about is seeing her smile again, kissing her, and making sure she’s okay. Nothing else matters.
As soon asthe car pulls over in the driveway, I rush out. The guards watch me carefully, but they don’t move toward me. My heart thuds loudly in my chest.
Before I can reach the door, Cesare opens it wide.
“Hello, sis,” he says with a smile.
I glare at him and then slap him hard across the face. My palm stings, but I don’t care. I’ve been mad at him plenty of times before, but never like this.
“I guess I deserved that,” he says.
“You crossed the line this time.” I spot Salvatore, so I race to him.
Salvatore’s lips spread into a smile. There’s a huge bruise on his cheekbone and dried blood on his lower lip. His left eye is a little swollen and darkish.
My fingers curl into fists as I shoot Cesare a glare over my shoulder. What the hell has he done? But there’s an invisible force drawing me to Salvatore. I’ll deal with my stupid brother later.
“Are you okay?” I wrap my arms around Salvatore, pulling him to me.
“I’m fine now.” He places his hand under my chin, and I look up at him.
His lips press against mine. He must be in pain, so I try to be gentle, but he’s not having any of it. His kiss is as full of passion as ever.
“Are you all right?” Salvatore asks when I pull away from him.
“Yeah.” I turn to Cesare, who’s watching us with curiosity in his eyes. “What the hell is wrong with you?”
“Your boyfriend and I just had a nice little chat,” Cesare says.
“Maybe you and I should havea nice little chat.” I cross my arms.
“You shouldn’t have left like that. Without a word or anything.”
“I honestly don’t know what you want me to say. You went against Enzo! You went against our brother! What do you think I was supposed to do?”
“Enzo and you will always choose each other. Yeah, I know that.” Cesare’s eyes turn cold.
“That’s not what I’m saying. Are you even listening to me?” I throw my hands up in the air. “You know what? I don’t give a damn. Do whatever the hell you want, but don’t hurt anyone. Salvatore and I are going upstairs to my room.” I take Salvatore’s hand.
Arguing with Cesare isn’t going to do any of us any good. He’s just... I don’t know what’s wrong with him. I’ve tried to figure it out, but maybe there’s nothing to figure out.
It’s like he hates Enzo and me for doing something to him, and I don’t even know what that something is. He’ll have to figure it out himself because I’m just done.
“What did my crazy brother do to you?” I ask once Salvatore and I are in my room.