With him, I feel like I can do anything. I can be my own person, and I don’t have to think about my family’s expectations.
We could have a future together, unless I’m completely delusional and Salvatore doesn’t feel the same way. But if I want to know, I need to find him. Safe and sound.
What do I do? Will someone try to kill me? In a public square with tons of witnesses? Something like a drive-by? Or will they call me and ask me to walk in front of a speeding car to save Salvatore?
I shake my head. I’ve watched too many movies. All the cameras are now turned in my direction, as if waiting to see what I’ll do next.
If I find a blind spot and try to text or call for help, I think Salvatore’s kidnapper will know. It seems like too much work for Ismaele for nothing, so it’s probably not him. He was just bait.
I sigh. There’s something more going on here, and I need to figure out what it is. I make my way to the exit. If whoever is behind this wants Salvatore dead, they’ll just kill him, and there won’t be anything I can do. That thought scares me.
I quicken my steps. All the time, I have a sensation that someone’s watching me, but I can’t see anyone anywhere.
As I rush to get to the square, I only have one thought. I hope I’m not making a mistake. I’ll do what the kidnapper asks of me, because this feels more like someone’s sick game than anything else. No one is stupid enough to take Salvatore for ransom, so even if I go for help, if someone wants him dead, they’ll kill him no matter what happens. Maybe he’s already dead.
My heart skips a beat. I don’t want to think about that. If I lose him, I don’t know what I’ll do.
Please, Salvatore, be okay!
It’s my only New Year’s wish.
“I thoughtyou said you wanted to talk,” I say when I see the chair in the middle of the room.
Cesare grins at me. “And we’ll talk. Don’t worry. Sit down.”
I sigh and take a seat. Then I let Cesare zip-tie my wrists to the chair. Maybe I shouldn’t have gone with him, but it’s Cesare. He’s not going to kill me, or is he? What if I don’t know him as well as I think?
It’s all because of Adriana. I need to do whatever it takes to clear things up with him and explain what happened between her and me. She has to be safe, and that’s the only thing that matters. That’s why I’m here.
For her.
“Is this really necessary?” I look down at the zip ties.
“Yes. You and Adriana betrayed me.” He clenches his jaw and punches me in the face.
Fuck. Pain spreads through my cheek. Cesare and I have trained together many times. I know what he’s capable of.
“I wouldn’t say we betrayed you.”
“We? Are you fucking kidding me? That’s my sister you’re talking about!” His fist connects with my jaw.
“I’m sorry, but if I’m not wrong, you’re the one who wanted to hurt Enzo—your own brother. Adriana stopped you. Is that why you’re mad?”
“You fucking stole my sister!” He glares at me.
“I didn’t steal her. She’s not a piece of furniture. She’s a person, and she can make her own decisions. Actually, she has a good heart, and that’s why she couldn’t let you do whatever you planned to do. Your family drama is none of my business, but she and I made a deal.”
“You don’t get to make deals with my sister without my permission!” He hits me again. “What kind of deal was it, huh? Are you two already married? Did you fuck her?”
“No, we’re not married. Our engagement is fake. You know my grandma isn’t doing too well, and she wants me to get married, so I—”
His fingers curl around my throat. “You didn’t deny the last part, you son of a bitch!”