I stare at him. Every second I’m around him makes me want to scream, and he wants me to spend a week with him?
“How the hell do you plan to explain that to Cesare? He wants me to be with him for Christmas. He won’t let me go.”
“Is he home right now?”
“No, but I don’t know where he is. He might return at any moment.”
“Perfect. Then you can come with me right away. You can stay in my hotel until it’s time to go.”
“What?” I gape at him. “Everyone will be wondering where I am.”
“You’re smart. You’ll come up with something. But make your choice now.” He pulls out his phone. “Or I’m calling Cesare, and I’m telling him all about your little meeting with Enzo.”
I bite on the inside of my cheek. My disappearance won’t make Cesare happy, but I need to buy some time. Hell, if he realizes that I’m gone, maybe he’ll be distracted enough so Enzo can pull off his plan.
I can always tell my family that I didn’t want to be locked up in the house for no reason, and, if Enzo succeeds, I can tell Cesare the truth and that I’m not going back until he stops acting like a heartless monster. If I’m in some hotel, maybe I can escape, and then I won’t have to go anywhere with Salvatore.
The truth is, I shouldn’t be anywhere near Cesare anyway. I don’t like being locked up, and maybe we all need some space from one another to really think about what we’re going to do next.
“Okay, fine. Let’s do it,” I say.
“I’m glad you made the right choice.” He slips his phone back into his pocket. “How about we seal our deal with a kiss?” A smile spreads across his face.
“Nice try, but no.” I scrunch my nose at him. “We can shake hands.”
“Fine. Let’s leave kissing for later.” He extends his hand to me. “You’ll need a lot of practice to be a believable fiancée.”
I flash him a smile. “Go fuck yourself.”
Then I shake his hand.
“You’ll have to work on your language too. I expect you to be a proper future mafia wife. Now let’s go. I promise you’ll love your hotel room.”
I sigh and trail after him. Maybe I should just tell Cesare that his best friend kidnapped me.
“Don’t think about trying anything or getting out of our deal,” Salvatore says, glancing at me as he pulls out his phone. “I recorded our conversation, and I’ll send it to Cesare if I have to. I’d rather not because I’d hate to lose my friend and my ally, but it’s up to you. Any accusation against me... and I won’t have a choice.”
I press my lips into a tight line. Great.
Now how the hell am I supposed to survive this? I guess saving people and doing the right thing always requires a sacrifice. But spending Christmas with Salvatore and his family while pretending to be his future wife...
That will be a true hell and a huge test for my self-control.
Adriana glaresat me as she sits as far away as possible from me on my private jet. I flash her a smile, which only makes her roll her blue eyes before she focuses her gaze on the window.
We’re on our way to Bologna. It’s a short flight, but we still need about half an hour to reach the old house that has belonged to my family for decades. My grandparents used to live there until my grandpa passed away and my grandma moved in with my mom.
As the oldest son, my father was supposed to stay there, but he decided to move the family business to Milan, which turned out to be a good choice for us. By then, his brothers had started their lives and businesses elsewhere, so they didn’t have any desire to return.
After my father died, the house officially became mine, but I still consider it my family’s. No one lives there anymore, but it’s still our favorite place to gather the whole family for important events and big holidays.
I keep my gaze on Adriana. She’s not like other mafia princesses, and that makes her a whole lot more interesting.
With her, it’s hard to predict how she’ll react. I was sure she’d try to escape, so I put up a ton of security around her hotel room. But either she didn’t try anything, or she realized she’d fail.