I reach out to catch her hand, but she lurches forward.
“Salvatore!” she screams in panic, and I hurry after her.
“Try to—” I shout, but I don’t think she can hear me because she keeps screaming.
I’m about to catch up with her when she falls down and ends up rolling in the snow. I try to dodge her, but one of her skis catches mine.
I throw myself into the snow next to her, and she rolls onto me. Her hair is full of snow, her face red.
She narrows her eyes at me and groans. “That’s it! I shouldn’t have let you convince me to come here! I want to go to the beach, and the snow can just fuck off!”
She jerks her leg and sends her ski flying.
I burst into laughter, and she slaps me on the shoulder.
“What are you laughing at?” She glares at me.
“You’re so cute when you’re angry.”
“Cute? Are you fucking kidding me?” She bares her teeth at me.
I wind my arms around her, tugging her to me. A gasp escapes her throat as her eyes widen, her lips only a breath away from mine.
I lift my head and close the distance between us, pressing my lips against hers. “You taste like snow,” I whisper.
“I don’t want to taste like snow, so let’s get the fuck out of here. Okay?”
“Sure.” I give her another kiss.
She kisses me back, then frowns, trying to pretend she’s mad, but her features have already softened. She’s definitely no longer mad.
My phone buzzes just as she pushes herself up to her feet. I furrow my brow as I check the screen. A text from my grandma? What?
I sit up, my frown deepening.
“What’s wrong?” Adriana asks.
“My grandma texted me.”
“She never texts. She always calls because she says she doesn’t get texting.”
“Maybe your mom or one of your uncles helped her?”
“Maybe. She says she’s going to visit some old friends, so she won’t come home until tomorrow night.” That’s weird. “My uncles will go with her.”
“Isn’t that good? Um, I mean, she’ll be fine, right? And that also means we have more free time.”
“Yeah, but I need to make sure.” I quickly get in touch with my guards.
I shouldn’t have left with Adriana. What if something has happened and I don’t even know about it? Adriana is really throwing me off my game, and even worse, I’m letting her.
“Just call your grandma to confirm. She probably didn’t know if you were in the middle of something and didn’t want to disturb you.”
“I’m going to do that.” I get to my feet.
“If all’s well, we’re so going to the beach.”