Still, I hate it. I don’t want any girl touching him. He and I have a deal, so he’s technically mine at the moment. It would be rude and inappropriate for him to go with someone else.
“You can stay with my grandma,” Salvatore says, his tone teasing.
He wants me to go with him. He’s just saying all that because he knows it’ll piss me off. I don’t know if I’m more mad that he’s trying to manipulate me or that his plan is working.
“I’ll go with you.” I wouldn’t want to miss something like that, and since my time with him is coming to an end soon, I want to stay with him a little longer.
Maybe it’s insane, but I like his company. I want to get to know more about him and his friendship with Cesare.
It feels as if I was living in a different world when we were kids, and I want him to tell me everything from his perspective. Maybe it would help me understand my brother better, or at least that’s what I’m telling myself so I can have an excuse to talk to Salvatore.
When he said he’d liked me from the first moment he saw me... I guess I liked him too, because, who wouldn’t?
He’s drop-dead gorgeous and always has been. But then he started bullying me, and I stopped liking him. Now that I know why he was doing it all...
It’s not an excuse, but he apologized, and maybe, just maybe, I can actually like him. The real him. The man he’s grown into.
“What about your grandma, though?” I ask. “Doesn’t she expect us to be with her on New Year’s Eve?”
“The party is late. She’s going to be asleep by then. We can have breakfast or lunch with her the next day.”
“Okay. But that’s not now, so... What are we going to do in the meantime?” I eye him carefully.
“Well, we need to spend at least a few hours and have a meal with my grandma every day. As for the rest of the time... We can do whatever we want. Go anywhere. Hop on my jet—”
“Are you sure that’s a good idea when someone might be targeting us?”
“Leave the security concerns to me. I’ll keep you safe. You don’t have to worry about anything, just choose the place where we’re going. Actually, the farther we get, the safer we are.”
“Or I could go out without you,” I tease. “Get some fresh air. Take a break from you.”
“If you think I’m going to let you slip away and escape, you’re wrong. You’re mine, Adriana.” His eyes bore into mine, and a shudder of excitement rushes through me.
There’s definitely something wrong with me. His every look, his every word... It all has more effect on me than it should.
“That’s a shame,” I say with a smile. “I’m so sick and tired of you.”
“Is that so?” He steps closer to me until we’re face-to-face.
My breath catches in my chest as his lips hover over mine.
“I guess that means...” He tilts his head, his lips almost brushing mine, and pulls away. “That you don’t want me to kiss you.”
It doesn’t. I want him to kiss me. I want him to fuck me.
No, actually, I want him to make love to me. One day fast, one day slow. Why not? I want to try it all.
“Only if it’s different from yesterday,” I say softly.
“What does that mean?” he asks.
“This.” I place my hand on his cheek and gently press my lips against his.
His mouth responds to mine, deepening the kiss. I grip his chin as his kiss grows too hungry and passionate.
“No,” I whisper. “Gentle.”
I’m too sore for anything else anyway, but I still want more, while we still have some time.