
My chest heavesas I keep looking into Adriana’s eyes. What the fuck is it about her that makes me so...

I don’t even know how to call it or explain it. Touching her, tasting her, burying myself inside her... It was even better than I thought it would be. I imagined it so many times, but reality is so much better than any fantasy.

But it was supposed to be enough. I was supposed to have her and forget her. That was the plan, and it was awesome to hear that she was up for it.

So why the fuck do I feel like I still want her? She took some of the edge off, but it’s like a drop in the ocean. The need still burns under my skin.

I want to take her again.

And again.

Because I already know once isn’t going to be enough.

“Why did you treat me like trash at school?” she asks, her eyebrows rising up.

I don’t have to tell her anything. I should just get up and walk away. Pretend nothing happened. But I can’t.

No. I don’t want to.

It’s Adriana. She deserves an explanation. I feel like I can tell her anything. She’s like my partner in crime.

There’s no way she’ll tell anyone, except maybe Cesare, but he already knows. It doesn’t even matter. I’m not ashamed of my past. I just wish it were different.

“I kind of liked you from the first moment I saw you,” I say with a small smile. “You were the prettiest girl at school.”

“What?” She frowns, pushing herself up on her elbow. “You liked me? Are you serious? You treated me like shit!”

“Yeah, and I’m sorry about that. What can I say? I wasn’t a very smart kid. It’s just... You were always smiling and seemed so happy all the time. My life sucked, and I guess I wanted to make you as miserable as I was so we’d have something in common.”

“I don’t remember your life sucking. You were one of the most popular boys at school, and everyone wanted you. Your grades were fine. You and Cesare were always up to something...”

I sigh, running my hand through my hair. Her gaze falls on the scar along my hairline.

“You said that scar was my fault. How?” She narrows her eyes at me.

“You told my father I failed an exam. When we came home, he slammed my head into a desk a few times.” I press my mouth into a tight line.

It’s not something I like to remember, so I focus on Adriana’s face instead.

She gasps, her eyes going wide. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know.”

“No one did. Well, Cesare knows some of it, but not everything. I’ve never really told anyone that my mom and I used to be my father’s punching bags. Whenever something went wrong, he’d take his anger out on us. But we were taught that all mafia families had their secrets, and that it was just how things were supposed to be. My mom used to say that it was our fault for doing things wrong or provoking him, but it was a pile of bullshit. My father was just... an asshole. It took me some time to realize that, and I planned to end him myself, but he died before I could pull off my plan. It was the only favor he ever did me.”

Adriana’s big eyes stare at me in shock, and she presses herself closer to me, running her fingers down my shoulder. “That’s just... I don’t know what to say.”

“You don’t have to say anything. That bastard is dead, and he’s never going to hurt anyone again.”

“Good. But why didn’t you try to make my brother miserable too? Why just me?”

“Well, I don’t find Cesare hot at all.” The corners of my lips quirk up.

She rolls her eyes and smacks me on the shoulder. “So it was just because you thought I was hot?”

“No, it wasn’t only that. Cesare was already as miserable as I was.”

“What?” Her mouth falls open. “No, he wasn’t.”