As my grandma and I reach her room, I open the door. A smile spreads across my face. Everything looks exactly like it should, as if Adriana and I were never in there.
It looks like we reallyarea great team.
I hearfootsteps in the hallway and move away from the door. It doesn’t sound like Claudia suspects anything, which is good. I barely managed to get everything in place and rush out of there before Salvatore and Claudia climbed up. Adrenaline still pumps through my veins.
Salvatore enters the room with a smile on his face.
“We did it!” Without thinking, I race to him and wrap my arms around his neck.
“We did.” He grins, but then his smile fades as he stares deep into my eyes.
My lips part. What the hell am I doing? Salvatore and I aren’t friends. We shouldn’t be touching like this or celebrating anything, but his warm, strong body is pressed against mine.
His gaze lowers to my mouth, and my pulse speeds up. There’s no way I’m thinking about kissing him. Except, I totally am.
I want him to kiss me because there’s a fire spreading through me and I don’t know how to put it out. I just want it to stop. And maybe giving in to the desire is the only thing that will make the need inside me go away.
I shouldn’t want Salvatore. He made my life a living hell back in school, and he hasn’t even apologized for it. I don’t think he will. And he’s also my brother’s best friend—if Cesare doesn’t change his mind about that.
Everything about Salvatore should scream forbidden and wrong.
But it feels right, probably because it’s so wrong. Ugh!
I need to get him out of my system, and I’m pretty sure he feels the same way because he’s currently undressing me with his eyes.
The spark between us needs to be extinguished, and that’s not going to happen if we keep wanting each other and denying ourselves.
I’m probably going to feel gross about it later, and that’s exactly what I want. We’ll do it and forget about it. Salvatore won’t say a word about it to anyone because of Cesare, and no one will ever know I had this silly moment of weakness.
My former bully.
My brother’s best friend.
My fake fiancé.
Salvatore’s chest moves faster, as if he’s fighting with someone. Maybe himself. As I press myself closer to him, I can feel his erection pushing against me.
“If you don’t get away from me right now, I’m going to kiss you,” he says softly, his eyes trained on mine.
I don’t know if it’s a warning or a threat, but warmth is spreading through me faster than ever. Despite everything, it would be better to say no. Less complicated.
But it’s already complicated enough. I just need to get him out of my head. I need to stop wondering what it would feel like to have him inside me. A shudder of excitement rushes through me.
I just keep looking at him.
“I’m serious, Adriana.” His voice is husky. “And if I kiss you...”
There’s no coming back. Yeah, I know. And maybe I should step away from him and think about it when I’m not vibrating like a high-strung wire, but I don’t think anything will change.
My body wants him. I want him.
“One time. No strings attached,” I say.
“Are you sure?” His lips hover over mine.