But Salvatore’s smile falters, his eyes becoming guarded.
“Thanks,” he says.
“It was your father’s.”
“I know.” Salvatore keeps smiling, but his shoulders are rigid.
What’s wrong? He strides toward the kitchen with the box in his hands, and I follow him. I don’t remember when exactly his father passed away, but it’s definitely been a few years. He sighs as he places the box on the table.
“Are you okay?” I ask. “Do you miss your father?”
Maybe I should walk away. Whether Salvatore is sad right now or something else, it’s none of my business. I’m not here to feel for him or anything.
But I can’t help it. I’m just curious.
“Miss him?” Salvatore looks up at me and laughs. “Not at all.” His gaze falls on the box. “I don’t want anything of his. Well, unless it’s necessary.”
I frown. “Doesn’t your grandma know that?”
I doubt she was intentionally trying to hurt him.
He glances toward the door, probably to make sure no one is close enough to listen in on us. “She knew there were problems. I mean, he was her son. She knew how he could get. But my mom and I... We never told anyone how complicated things were. Family problems usually stay within the family, you know? How many of your relatives know about your family problems?”
“Um, not many.” It would break my grandma’s heart to know about the mess between Cesare, Enzo, and me right now.
“Whoever doesn’t live with you, doesn’t need to know, right? Because that information can get into the wrong hands, and then your enemies will think you’re vulnerable and they’ll come for you.”
“True.” Although, at this point, I’m sure more and more people will figure out something’s off with my family.
How are we going to show everyone we’re a united front when we aren’t even together? Hell, we can’t even get together for Christmas. Not even for an hour or two.
But I don’t want to think about that right now. Hopefully, our enemies are busy with their own families and no one’s going to make any moves.
“So what are you going to do about this?” I step closer and run my hand over the velvety box. “Throw it in the trash?”
“No. My grandma would see it. Can you take it up to our room and stuff it somewhere at the bottom of the closet?”
“Sure.” I take the box and give him a smile. “Your grandma looks well, by the way. Strong.”
“She’s just very good at pretending. She’s got an iron power of will.”
I tilt my head at him. “Reminds me a bit of someone.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” The corners of his lips quirk up.
I head to the door.
“You need to come back,” he says. “Don’t even think about staying in our room and thinking no one will notice.”
“Aww, but I was just about to do that.” I pout as I glance over my shoulder at him.
He narrows his eyes at me.
Am I actually enjoying myself here? Hell, I just found out something new about Salvatore.
I had no idea his relationship with his father was complicated. And to the point of Salvatore not missing him? I’d like to find out more, but I’m sure Salvatore doesn’t want to share details like that with me. It’s a surprise he actually told me anything rather than snapped at me for prying.
But soon enough, I’ll be out of here, and I won’t have to see Salvatore or be around him. It doesn’t matter if there’s more to his assholish self.