I’m beyond thankful for Ash getting me this interview. And I’m excited about the idea of getting paid regularly for doing something I love to do, but I’m always just as nervous.

I’ve never worked in this kind of environment before.

I’m used to showing up, snapping some pictures, and going on my merry little way. I’m not used to being in an office building day in and day out. I mean, what am I even supposed to wear?

“Why do you look like you’re having one of your famous mental freakout sessions?”

I breathe out a laugh. “Probably because I am.”

Her eyes narrow on me. “What? Why?”

“I guess I’m just nervous about this job. I mean, I’ve never worked in an office before. What do I wear?”

She laughs. “That’s what has you freaking out?”

I shrug.

“You just dress nice. No jeans or t-shirts. No sneakers. Just business casual.”

I roll my eyes. “There’s no such thing as business casual. It’s either business or casual.”

She laughs. “You do have a point there.”

The pitcher is dropped at our table with two glasses. The waitress waits around while we put in our order and the second she turns to leave, Ash is filling our glasses with beer.

“Nice pants or skirts. Dressy tops that aren’t too revealing. Shoes: heels or flats just something that looks nice. All stuff you have. Don’t worry about it. Just make sure you have everything neat and orderly for the interview tomorrow. You know how my brother is with being prepared.”

I sigh. I almost forgot I had to deal with Ash’s older brother. It’s funny because we all grew up in the same way. Lower middle class. We weren’t spoiled by any means. We were latchkey kids because our parents had to work in order to keep the bills paid and food on the table. Even though we all were raised the same, Alec is nothing like us. You look at him and you’d automatically assume he was raised in a mansion, that he only attended private schools. You’d think he was raised to be a member of the elite.

How he managed to open his own multi-million dollar company is beyond me.

“That’s another thing,” I mutter picking up my glass.


“Your brother. He hates me. He’s always hated me.”

She laughs. “Yeah, well…We hate him too so we’re even.”

“Yeah, but I have to go to him and beg for a job. I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t dismiss me the moment he sees my name on the interview list.”

“He wouldn’t,” she says. “Even if he doesn’t want to hire you, he’ll take one look at your work and know he has to. When it comes to business, he doesn’t let personal things get in the way. He keeps it professional.”

“How do I impress him?”

She shrugs. “Just go in there looking nice and put together. Have your portfolio ready, be open and honest. You’ll do great,” she promises.

I’m so nervous, I have a hard time falling asleep. I toss and turn until I finally drift off around one in the morning.

My alarm goes off long before I’m ready, especially since I’m not a morning person anyway. But I do the responsible thing and I push myself from the bed instead of hitting the snooze button like I want to.

I stand from the bed, stretch, and go for a shower with hopes of it waking me up.

I put extra time into getting ready and I gather my portfolio.

Ash and I leave together, heading over to the office. She parks in her parking spot and we both climb out, heading toward the massive building.

My heart hammers in my chest the closer I get to the door.