I flash my mug at him. “I’m fine. You know I like to wait until y’all have had your breakfast. You’re the ones who will need it out there working your butts off all day.”

“Damnit, Elena. I said sit down and eat. Just because you’re not breaking your back doesn’t mean you don’t need food. You’re getting too skinny anyway,” Elijah argues.

Dad throws me a concerned look. “He’s right,” he says. “You look like we don’t feed you.”

I give in, moving to sit at the table. “You don’t feed me. I feed you. Now eat your turkey bacon.” I grab a piece of turkey bacon and make a show of eating it. He’s right. It’s not the same but I can’t let him see that. I do my best to make it look like it’s the best thing I’ve ever eaten.

He chuckles. “Disgusting, isn’t it?”

“No,” I argue.

Ethan sits at the table and starts piling his plate with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast. He grabs enough food to feed an army. Dad and Elijah can’t do anything but watch him in amazement.

“I thought this growth spurt was supposed to end at some point?” Dad mutters.

Elijah chuckles. “This isn’t a growth spurt. He’s just a pig.”

Ethan smirks and flips Elijah off as he holds up his middle finger.

“It’s no wonder we’re spending most of the money on food with the way he eats,” Elijah says, picking up his coffee and taking a sip.

My patience wears thin, and I finally let out, "Alright, that's enough. Eat your breakfast and get out of my kitchen. I can't deal with this nonsense first thing in the morning."

Surprisingly, they all do as I say. They shut their mouths and start eating.

After breakfast, Dad shuffles off to the living room for a nap. Elijah and Ethan head outside to do their daily task, the door banging shut behind them.

I clean the kitchen grabbing the dirty plates with bits of egg and bacon left on them and stack them up. Next, I grab the glasses slick with the residue of juice and put them into the sink. After washing them and setting them aside to dry, I take a damp cloth and wipe the table clean. I finish up by quickly sweepingthe floor and head upstairs for a shower so I can take Dad to his appointment.

An hour later we pull up at the doctor's office. I help Dad out of the truck with care as he moves slowly and deliberately. In the lobby, he settles into a seat with a sigh. I check him in at the desk where the receptionist types quietly. Dad gets called back and I step outside for fresh air.

Leaning against our truck, I feel the metal's heat through my shirt as I cross my arms. The sun is already high in the sky and I bet the temperatures are already in the high eighties. I look up at the heart of town, people watching as they move about.

“Adam, wait up, bro,” Sam Right says, rushing to catch up with Adam Novak as he walks toward me from across the street.

I look up. Our eyes lock and it's as if my feet are cemented to the sidewalk.

Adam is tall, muscular, and has short dark hair he keeps cut nearly to his scalp. He’s wearing a pair of light-wash wranglers and a white t-shirt that shows every single muscle. His biceps are bulging from his sleeves. He has the bluest eyes I’ve ever seen, high cheekbones, and a squared jaw. Every girl in town wants him. Everyone except me that is. Well, it’s not that I don’t want him. It’s that I can’t have him.

His eyes intensify on mine as he walks closer. I'm held captive under his blue gaze and I notice the faintest smirk —if I wasn’t watching him like a hawk, I’d never have noticed the slight change.

Adam's stride doesn't break as he passes, but he drops a "Elena" that hangs in the air between us. One step up on the curb and he pivots, his gaze landing on me again. "Tell your brother I said hello," he says, with a wink that sends a shiver down my spine.

I'm left speechless as he strides into the law office next to the clinic. Sam finally catches up, breathless, disappearing behind Adam into the building.

I shake my head as I talk my body into calming down. Every muscle is hard from having his eyes on me. My heart is racing and the butterflies in my stomach are flying around like crazy. I tighten my thighs to hold off the flood of need that washes over me. In a town this small, and with everyone knowing my brothers, I’m not exactly popular with the guys and that leaves a lot of needs on my hands. Needs that obviously aren’t being fulfilled.

Dad exits the office and I swing open the door to the passenger side for him. He climbs in and as I close the door behind him my name slices through the air.


I turn to find my best friend, Dallas, as she rushes up to me. She tosses her dark hair over her shoulder as she stops in front of me. “What you up to?”

"Checkup," I gesture towards the truck. "What about you?"

“On my lunch break. We’re all going out tonight. Come with us? We haven’t hung out in forever.”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t know.”