Quinn and I lock eyes for a moment, then she turns back to Dr. Harris. "Actually, could you please not tell us right now and put the information in an envelope, my mom is hosting a gender reveal party for us back in California. We'd like to find out then, with our family."

"Absolutely," Dr. Harris replies. She types a few more notes into her computer and then prints out a small piece of paper. She carefully folds it, placing it in an envelope, which she seals and hands to Quinn. "Make sure this gets to your mom safely. No peeking now!"

We chuckle, lord knows I'd like to know now but Quinn insisted we do a gender reveal. I'm going to listen to her every word and make sure this pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible for her. "Thank you, Dr. Harris," I reply.

As we step out of the clinic, Quinn shakes her head in disbelief. "I still can't wrap my head around it. Pregnant all this time?"

"Yeah, it's a lot to take in," I say, reaching the car and unlocking the doors. I open the passenger side for her, offering my hand to help her in. She smiles gratefully, taking my hand and easing into the seat. Once she's settled, I close the door and walk around to the driver's side.

On the drive back we discuss baby names and place our bets on whether the baby will be a boy or a girl.I tell her mostly boys run in my family so I've got to place my bet on having a Jr.

When we arrive, I park and hurry to her side, opening the door and extending my hand again. She smiles, a bit self-consciously, as she takes my hand to steady herself. "Thanks," she says, "I'm suddenly feeling a lot more... pregnant."

We head inside and she puts the envelope from the doctor on our kitchen counter. "It's real, isn't it?" Quinn says, touching her belly softly.

I nod, wrapping my arms around her. "Very real." I kiss her cheek. "Go take it easy, babe. I'll handle dinner."

She looks up at me with appreciation. "Thanks. I'm off for a shower."

I grin, "Careful, or I'll end up in there with you."

She gives a playful smirk. "Dinner first, then shenanigans."

I chuckle and smack her ass as she heads upstairs.

As Quinn disappears, I grab a steak from the fridge. I think about how everything's fallen into place — I got my dream girl and baby on the way.

I didn't see that coming but I wouldn't have it any other way.



"Take a deep breath," Weston murmurs as I fumble with the keys to my old apartment in California. He seems to understand me effortlessly, and ever since I became pregnant, a whole new side of him has emerged, one that I'm utterly in love with. He pampers me endlessly, treating me like royalty. Outside of work, his world seems to orbit around me, making sure I'm comfortable and cared for at every turn.

We step inside, and the distinct ocean scent of the fragrance I used to like fills the air. It's surreal to think that I'd be returning here pregnant and deeply in love, a far cry from the brokenness I felt when I last left. "Where do you want to start?" Weston asks, carrying a stack of cardboard boxes.

"Let's start with my bedroom closet," I reply. "Most of these things I'll leave, but I want to sort through there first."

He nods in agreement. "Lead the way."

We walk into the bedroom, a space of elegant simplicity. Everything looks just as neat as I left it but the space could usea little bit of dusting. I guess it doesn't matter since I don't live here anymore.

As we approach the closet, I hesitate for a moment, struck by the past it holds.

Weston notices my pause and gives my hand a gentle squeeze. "Ready?" he asks.

I nod, and he opens the closet doors. Inside, a sea of clothing hangs tightly packed together, an array of colors and styles from different phases of my life.

Weston lets out a low whistle. "That's a lot of clothes," he jokes, his eyes wide at the sight. "Were you preparing to open your own store, or was this all just for you?"

I laugh. "I know, I had a bit of a shopping addiction a few years ago," I admit. "But today, we're downsizing. A new chapter, right?"

"Right," he says, stepping into the closet to start the process.

We begin sorting through my belongings, and that's when I stumble upon a pile of Leo's clothes, I must've forgotten to get rid of when he passed. His name escapes my lips softly, "Leo."

Weston is right there behind me, his kiss landing softly on my shoulder. "Everything okay?" he asks, his voice full of concern.