My eyes widen in disbelief. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Yes, he's been working out of a small town in Montana for the past two years. We need someone strong, like you, to assist with projects and act as his executive assistant for six months. Think of it as an extended business trip."

The offer keeps spinning in my head. The idea of living somewhere other than California never crossed my mind. At twenty-six, I had plans to be married, maybe with a kid, living in the heart of the city. But life hasn't gone as planned. Maybe it's time to be open to new ideas, but moving to a small town feels like a big leap. Is this being too open-minded?

I clear my throat, trying to grasp the full scope of the offer. "So, what exactly does this promotion entail?"

Mr. Hart leans forward, his expression serious. "You'll get a company car and we'll cover your living expenses there plus a bonus check to cover your current living place while you're away; your salary will increase by fifty percent and if everything goes as planned we'll consider another raise upon your return."

I find myself biting my lip, lost in thought. Moving out of the apartment I shared with Leo has been on my mind for a while. I've even thought about buying a new place. My current salary is good, but not quite enough for a house. This raise could be the key. I could save and maybe buy a dream home when I return. And if there's another raise after that, affording a house will be much easier.

If things were different, I'd turn this down rescue plan without hesitation. But truthfully, a break is exactly what I need. Living alone in that apartment, with all its memories, is something I can't stand. That's the main reason I'm always working. Taking a six-month business trip might be the escape I need to start feeling like myself again.

"Ms. Russo?" Mr. Hart's voice pulls me back to reality.

I blink rapidly, clearing my head and focusing back on the moment. "I'll be happy to accept the offer."

Mr. Hart's face lights up with a pleased grin. "You're making a smart choice."

I nod, feeling a bit nervous as I stand up to shake his hand. "Thank you, Mr. Hart," I say, trying to sound confident.

Before I reach the door he adds, "We'll need you in Montana by Monday. You have one week to get your affairs in order."

Hearing this, I take a deep breath. "Consider it done."

A week isn't a lot of time, but I've always been up for a challenge.

As I walk out of his office and head towards the elevator, my mind is full of thoughts.Montana?I wonder what life is like there. Here, I'm spoiled with endless coffee spots every morning.And even though I haven't gone to a mall or restaurant in a long time, I like knowing they're close by. Will I miss the busy city with all its choices, or will I like the quiet of a new place?

I guess there's only one way to find out.



I grab a cold beer from the fridge, feeling the chill of the can against my palm. I'm thinking about the game I've been waiting to watch all week. I plop down on the couch, ready to dive into some good ol' sports action.

I'm halfway to grabbing the remote when a knock echoes through my place.Who could that be?My house is out in the middle of nowhere, and people usually call first. I stand up, a bit annoyed at the interruption, and walk over to the door.

Swinging it open, I see my buddy, Greig, standing there with his usual grin but I can tell something's off. "Hey man," I greet him, slapping him on the back as he steps inside. "What brings you here? Thought you had plans tonight."

Greig just shrugs, stepping past me into the living room. "Plans changed, thought I'd come and catch the game with you. Hope I'm not crashing anything."

I chuckle and shake my head, closing the door behind him. "Nah, man, you're always welcome," I start, "So, whathappened?" Greig's not the type to just pop up so I know he's got something on his mind.

"Ashley dumped me tonight. Said she needs a break," he mumbles.

I arch an eyebrow, "Seriously? Why?" I ask as I detour to the kitchen, ditching the idea of beer. This calls for whiskey. I grab two glasses and start pouring, feeling like we're in for a deep talk.

"Yeah," Greig sighs, sinking into the couch. "She said she's feeling overwhelmed and needs space to think."

I hand him a glass before taking a seat beside him. "That's rough. You guys seemed solid. Did she say what's bothering her?" He takes a sip, shaking his head. "Not really, just some stuff about needing to find herself."

Just as I'm about to say something more, Greig cuts in. "Ever since I mentioned the demotion, you know?" His eyes narrow slightly. "She told me it's no surprise you dropped me to sales. Said that's all I'm good for."

Hearing that, I down my whiskey in one go and head back to the kitchen. The nerve of that girl, always chasing status. She makes Greig feel like dirt if he doesn’t live up to her high-and-mighty standards. I know deep down he resents me for his demotion from executive assistant but at least he still has a job.

I can't help but speak my mind. "We've been through this, Greig. You're my bud, but you weren't cutting it at the job. I can't run a business on friendship. Mornings without coffee turn me into a major asshole, and I can't have my schedule all screwed up."