A newfound respect strikes through me. I always knew Brandon was one of the best people I knew, but now? Seeing him protect his family? I want to be more like him. I want to be forgiving and fiercely loyal.

I want to prove to him that I can be good, too — for myself, and for Madison.

I place my hand over his and squeeze. “I promise. You’ve always been like family to me, Brandon, and all I ever wanted was for Leo to share that with us. I can’t promise I won’t make mistakes, but I swear to you that I never want to hurt your sister. I want this to work. I’ve been so alone all these years, and I thought it was a choice, but it wasn’t. I just didn’t know I was waiting for her.”

“God, you’re a simpering bastard.” Playfully, he pushes me away and I do the same, and suddenly, we’re the same friends we always were. Suddenly, everything is fine.

“Do you two need some alone time?” Madison calls, waggling her brows suggestively.

Brandon smirks as he stands up. “Come on. Let’s go make sure Leo has the best day with his family.”

I think that’s already guaranteed. We walk over to the girls and Leo, helping them make the finishing touches on Leo’s grand, three-tier sandcastle, which slightly resembles the Leaning Tower of Pisa.

We laugh and we play, and I fall in love with Madison a little bit more. I fall in love with this life a little bit more.

Every moment is perfect.

* * *

When the skyturns pink with the beginning of sunset, our stomachs are full of seafood and fudge cake, thanks to the local restaurant overlooking the water. Brandon and Chloe went home a few hours ago, leaving just the three of us with some perfect alone time.

I think I finally have everything I’ve ever wanted, I think to myself again and again. It’s risky to believe it, but it feels true. The billions of dollars I have in the bank mean nothing compared to my two favorite people.

“Let’s jump over the waves, Madison!” Leo drags Madison closer to the gentle tide, damp sand sticking between his toes and his pants rolled up to his knees. Any normal person would say no; the water must be freezing. But Madison goes with him, hand in hand, and treats the waves like a jump rope, all the while making sure Leo is safe and upright.

“Daddy, come on!” he calls.

My instinct is to say no, and I hate the part of me that is so used to denying my son. I battle it and win this time, cuffing my jeans and letting the cool waves lap against my ankles. On the next big one, we all jump, and I take Madison by the waist when she stumbles into me. We giggle like school kids. I’m unwilling to let her go; instead, I place a kiss against her neck.

She shivers. As Leo steps over the waves again and again, she nestles into me. “You’re nice and warm.”

“You’re freezing,” I whisper against her goosebump-peppered skin. I part from her, only to drape my coat around her and then hold her tightly again. With Leo giggling beside us, we look out at the glowing horizon.

“I never want to leave,” she admits, her brown eyes a stunning amber in the golden light. “Imagine living in one of those beach houses up there? My God, I’d spend every day here just watching the ocean.”

“Oh, I see. You’re already asking me for a house, huh?” When I nuzzle my cold nose against her warm skin, she giggles. “I see how it is.”

“Shut up. A girl can dream without being a gold digger.”

“Well, a girl doesn’t have to dream. I can buy you the whole damn pier if you want.”

She scoffs, nudging me in the ribs. “Billionaires are so insufferable.”

Still, I set my sights on the beach house she mentioned, the one with the mint-green accents, fairy-lit porch, and white panels, and I know that, one day, I’ll make it hers. It’s the least I can do after everything she’s given me. “Remind me of that when you’re in our new beach house, will you?”

“Roman…” She sighs, turning to wrap her arms around my neck. Her gaze is soft as syrup and clings to me just the same. “I don’t need a house, or extravagant gifts, or constant reminders of your money. I just need you and Leo and this.”

“Yeah, but wouldn’t the house be nice, too?” I smirk mischievously, and she rolls her eyes in the way I adore.

“I mean it!”

“I know you do, baby.” I place a kiss on her pink nose. “But so do I. I want to give you everything. I want to make you the happiest woman on earth.”

She tickles the nape of my neck with icy fingers. “I already am.”

My stomach glows with heat and life. It doesn’t feel real. I never thought I could get this lucky.

She leans closer, her grip more demanding now. “Earlier, you told Brandon that you love me.”