“Wow. You really are a changed man.” Brandon shakes his head in disbelief.

I smirk and call Leo over. He is more than happy about the simple banquet. After wiping the sand from his hands, he sits on my lap, red jelly smearing across his mouth as he chows down his food. With the waves crashing ahead and the sun trying to peek from the clouds, it’s almost perfect. Chloe and I fall into our old, fast-paced gossip, which leaves Brandon and Roman struggling to keep up. I admire her engagement ring now that I’m not so bitter about it. Soon, it’s like we’ve always been this way: my brother, my best friend, and his.

“Are there dinosaur fossils on this beach?” Leo asks after a while.

I gasp at the very idea. “Maybe. We could search for some later. Did you know that some dinosaurs lived in the sea?”

“What! No way.”

“Yup. Maybe that’s what the Loch Ness Monster is.”

“Can we go see it, Dad?”

Roman ruffles Leo’s hair. “We’ll have to see about that. Scotland is a long plane ride away.”

“Can Madison come?”

A smile plays at the corners of Roman’s mouth as he meets my eye. “I hope so. I’d like Madison to come everywhere and anywhere with us.”

Brandon clears his throat uncomfortably, leaning back on his palms to take in the grey Atlantic. Chloe leans into him, placing a kiss on his jaw. A few weeks ago, I would have hated seeing that act of affection, but now, I’m grateful for all of it.

I hope Brandon will be soon, too.

“So…” Roman drapes his arms over his knees, furrowing his brows. “How’s job-hunting?”

My brother’s expression turns sour. “Not as easy as I’d hoped.”

“You could come back.” Roman’s tone is hopeful. Gentle. He glances at Brandon through his periphery as though too afraid to truly face him. “There’s always a place for you in my office.”

Brandon tugs on his ear lobe, sitting forward with pursed lips. “I don’t know, man. Maybe it was time for me to move on. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for all the opportunities you gave me, but… I was actually thinking of setting up my own business and going freelance. I have a few friends who are in similar positions, and they seem pretty interested in trying it out.”

This surprises me. Brandon has spent most of his adult life working for Roman. I guess he’s not wrong, though. He deserves a chance to branch out and work for himself.

“I understand.” Roman squints as the sun begins to peek from the clouds, bowing his head. I know he’s disappointed, so I can’t help but place my hand on his arm supportively. “When you’re looking for clients, feel free to give me a call. Or investors, for that matter.”

Brandon nods, his Adam’s apple bobbing. “Thanks. Will do.” He looks at me. “And what about you? Are you a nanny or a girlfriend right now?”

I knew this was coming. “Well, I’m going to wait until Leo starts preschool before I search for a new job. He still needs me for now, and it makes sense to keep our schedule the same for his benefit.”

“I don’t want to go to school.” Leo pouts.

I nuzzle into his neck until he squirms. He smells like raspberry jelly. “Tough luck, mister.”

“So, Roman is still paying you? You’re still a nanny?”

“I tried to,” Roman grumbles.

“Like hell would I let that happen,” I reply, and then I wince when Leo points at my lips.

“Bad word!”

“Whoops. Sorry, everyone.” I urge Leo up. “Why don’t you go look for those fossils, bud? I’ll join you in a minute.”

With Leo out of earshot, I try again. “No, I’m not his nanny anymore. I don’t see taking care of him as work, and since our relationship goes way beyond professional, it didn’t feel right.”

“Which is bullpoop,” Roman replies. Since Leo has been picking up on swear words recently, Roman has taken to diluting his usual cusses, which is both hilarious and adorable.

Brandon massages his temples as though perplexed. “So, you’re like a housewife now.”