When I look at Roman, I see his eyes glistening with adoration, and I know he’s thinking the same thing. We three are just meant to be. Somehow, we all found a home in each other, and I’m so grateful for that.

“Let’s get cozy and warm under the covers, okay?” I help Leo slip under the duvet. He stays cuddled to me, the soft spikes of his dinosaur digging into my ribs. I don’t mind. I don’t even mind that I can’t snuggle with Roman now.

Roman lies back, brushing his fingers through Leo’s hair as he looks at me. “You don’t need to be scared, bud. We would never let anything bad happen to you.”


I smile and reach across Leo’s body to take Roman’s hand. “We promise.”

We fall asleep like that and wake up just the same.

Just like the family I always dreamt of.

* * *

“This isn’t going to work,”Roman grouses as he helps me straighten the picnic blanket before setting it down on the ridged sand.

I grab a few rocks to weigh them down against the cool sea breeze and shoot him a glare. “It’s absolutely going to work. What kind of monster wouldn’t enjoy a beach picnic?”

“The kind that doesn’t want his sister sleeping with his much older best friend.” Roman lowers his voice, glancing at Leo warily, but he’s too busy drawing his name in the sand to overhear us. Roman told me it’s his first time at the beach, and Leo was so excited that he fell face-first into the sand the minute he arrived. Luckily, I had a band-aid and magic kisses on hand, and he recovered quickly enough.

I sigh and open the picnic hamper I made up this morning. The smell of fresh peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and vanilla cupcakes seeps out. “Oh, that little issue? I will remedy that with my mom’s egg salad. Brandon loves it.”

We stopped by my mom’s earlier both for the egg salad bribe and to tell her about our relationship. Surprisingly, she was happy for us, a long-time fan of Roman even when I wasn’t. Of course, she adored meeting Leo and vice versa, and slipped chocolate cookies into our hamper to make sure he ended the day on a complete sugar buzz.

Everything is perfect… almost.

Roman comes behind me, massaging my shoulders through my thick coat. “I’m not trying to undermine the power of your mom’s egg salad. I just wish it was easier.”

“I know. But I appreciate that you’re here, trying.” I crane my neck and kiss him gently. The taste of the salty air lingers on his lips, reminding me of his shampoo. Of home.

He draws back without warning, and I quickly see why. Two figures approach down the beach. Chloe’s fair hair floats out behind her along with a red scarf. I see her drag Brandon when he tries to stop, evidently realizing that he’s been tricked into coming here.

Before we can greet them, Leo sees Brandon coming and his eyes light up.

“No running, Leo!” I call.

Too late. He rushes over despite his earlier fall. Brandon breaks into a grin, and even from here, I can see how rusty and forced it is. Still, he twirls Leo around and draws a giggle from him when his legs fly out behind him. It’s strange seeing him so close to Leo. Strange to think of a time when Brandon was in Leo’s life and I wasn’t.

Together, they come toward us. Even with Leo in his arms, Brandon’s expression is stony. Roman stiffens beside me, slipping his hands into the pockets of his jeans. Chloe offers us a timid smile and I return it with a wave.

“So, you’ve all been conspiring against me,” my brother begins, setting Leo down on the sand. He looks at Chloe, a little warmth returning to his eyes. “Even you.”

Chloe’s shrug is apologetic. “They deserved a chance, Brandon.”

“That’s debatable.”

Unfortunately, Chloe had to lie to get Brandon here. He didn’t know we’d be here, waiting with open arms and a hamper of food. To be fair to us, Brandon loved springing his engagement on me without preparation — I add it to our mental tally and know for sure that we’re officially even.

It’s an effort not to reach for Roman’s hand, but I know any show of affection right now will only make Brandon angrier. Instead, I bend down to Leo and take his bucket and spade from the canvas bag of beach toys and supplies. “Hey, why don’t you go build some sandcastles before we eat?”

Leo runs off and does exactly that. Was he always this well-behaved, this easy to please, or is it that he’s happier now?

I hope so. He seems happier. He spends more time with his dad these days, and I’ve barely left the penthouse in a week except to take Leo out to the park and to his new preschool sessions. Roman decided it was finally time to get him out of the house and able to socialize with other kids his age.

“So, you’re his stepmom now?” Brandon questions, a spark of annoyance in his voice.

I bristle with defensiveness, folding my arms over my chest. “You know, you did this to me first. You don’t get to take the high ground here.”