Then again, plenty of my old college friends are posting sonograms and baby photos on Facebook these days. I know that I don’t have nearly as much life experience as Roman. But does that really matter? We’re both adults.

Adults who just work when they’re together. Like magic.

Still, I’m reluctant to push anything when we haven’t yet had any conversations about my role in Leo’s life.

I take Leo’s hand and rub a soothing thumb over his baby-soft knuckles. “I don’t know about that, bud. That’s something that would take a lot of time to figure out between you, your dad, and me.”

“But why not?” He looks crestfallen, and I sigh, sending a pleading glance Roman’s way. He softens but makes no move to enter. Maybe he’s as clueless about all this as I am.

“Because it takes a lot of love and trust for someone to become family, and right now, I’m still your nanny.” He pouts, and I grapple for some idea of how to make it easier. “Leo, it doesn’t matter what you call me or what I am. I love you very much and I’d like to be in your life for a long, long time. Come here…”

He walks into my arms clumsily, and I squeeze him tight, running my fingers through his dark curls. My heart feels like it’s been patched up in places I didn’t even know it was torn. I love this family so much. Enough that a part of me wanted to just say: Yes. Yes, I’m your mom.

It’s a scary realization, and not one I ever expected to have so young, but it’s true. I would do anything to be an important part of Leo’s life. Even if things don’t work out with me and Roman, I want to be here.

Roman finally enters, his expression unreadable. A pang of fear shoots through me. Did I say the wrong thing? Did I overstep?

But then Roman bends down and places a kiss on each of our foreheads, and I smile. My belly flutters. I could get used to this. “Who wants breakfast?”

“Waffles!” Leo is out the door in a second, leaving us laughing.

“I hope that was okay. I don’t want him to be confused, and I don’t want you to feel like I’m inserting myself into his life or anything?—”

“Madison.” He stops me with a gentle touch on my shoulder. “You handled it perfectly. Far better than I would have.”

I gulp. “Do you think we should go back to keeping things professional in front of him?”

He shakes his head, tugging me up so I’m standing in front of him. His arms circle my waist, making a canvas out of my spine with his gentle fingers. “I think that I want all of my mornings to start like this, and he probably does to.”

“Really? All of them?” I’m like a kid, unable to stop my pathetically overjoyed grin.

His cheeks dimple as he kisses my nose. “We can go as slow or fast as you want, but yes. All of them.”

My phone buzzes again, pulling me back down to the real world. I kiss his lips a final time and then pull away to check my messages.

My blood runs cold.

The number is new and unrecognizable, but I know who it belongs to when I open the text thread.

Heard you’re fucking a billionaire. Good thing you owe me that money you took. Give me a million or the whole world will see how classy you are. Maybe your new man should think about tinted windows next time.

Bethesda Fountain. Monday, 12 PM.

My stomach curdles, bile rising up my throat. Attached to the message is an image of the black limousine we rode in last night. Through the rear window, I can make out my mouth agape with pleasure as I ride Roman. My blonde hair and pixelated face make me clearly recognizable.

“Madison? Everything okay?”

When Roman calls me, I realize that I’m frozen in place. I can barely nod as tremors of dread knock me off balance.

He frowns. “You sure?”

“Yeah. Just…” I can’t tell him. Even now, I don’t want him to know how helpless Elio makes me. He thinks I’m strong, sassy, but if he knew how much I let Elio walk all over me, how much I gave away to keep him happy, he would never see me the same again.

He probably wouldn’t even think me capable of taking care of Leo, never mind being in this relationship.

It takes every fiber of strength inside me to force a smile and slip my phone back into my pocket. “Just one of my girlfriends having boy drama. It’s nothing.”

“Okay.” He takes my hand again. “Hey, by the way, the pictures are up from last night, and apparently, we weren’t too subtle. I’m going to have to talk to Brandon about us on Monday. Tell him the truth. What do you think?”