I don’t want to be anything like him. I hate her for instilling that fear into me.

I can only offer a flat hum as we sit on the couch.

She sighs, taking my hand in hers. “I can’t stand it when you’re mad at me.”

“Then you shouldn’t say things that will make me mad,” I deadpan, bowing my head in an effort to seem nonchalant.

“Roman, I was wrong. You’re nothing like him and never could be. You’re a brilliant father, and I see that, in your own way, a wonderful partner — in whatever capacity you and Madison choose.”

“You weren’t all wrong,” I mumble solemnly. “I was becoming like him… until her.”

She softens, sidling closer to my side. “And that’s why you could never be him. Because you know how to change. You’re willing to make the effort for the people you love. He was never willing to do a thing to keep us in his life.”

For once, I agree with her, though it makes me feel vulnerable to have it all out on the table. It shouldn’t have taken Madison to point out my flaws as a father, but it did; it only makes my feelings for her stronger. It also confirms that she’s the best possible person for Leo. She’ll always take his side, always fight his corner. He’s safe with her.

We both are.

Mom pats the back of my hand. “How was your night, anyway? Do I get to hear about it?”

“Perfect. It was perfect.” The ghost of last night’s incurable smile crosses my features. Last night is one I will treasure for the rest of my life. Dancing with her, making love to her in the limo, spending the rest of the ride inside her because I’d never felt more connected to another human being.

Making love. Did I really just think that?


“My brooding son, grinning like a Cheshire cat. I never thought I’d see the day.” Mom ruffles my already mussed hair, and I roll my eyes. “Seriously, though,” she continues. “I just want you to be happy. You deserve to find love.”

“Well…” I glance up toward the bedroom, feeling that connection flowing from my door to the couch even now. “I think maybe I have.”

* * *


My phone pings from the clutch I abandoned on Roman’s dresser in last night’s exhausted haze. I yawn, still exhausted and pleasurably sore from last night.

I feel like I’m in a fairytale. For once, everything is perfect. No more hiding or pretending. Roman is opening up to me, Leo is in my arms, and for the first time in a long, long time, I feel like I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be. I can let go of my fear and pain.

Leo complains when I slip out of bed and walk in front of the TV, where a cartoon cat is talking to a giraffe.

“Sorry!” I singsong. Quickly, I tug on the navy bath robe hung on the back of Roman’s en suite door and tie the belt around my waist, feeling too bare in just his T-shirt and my panties. Having Leo see me so comfortable in his father’s bed wasn’t quite the plan, but he doesn’t seem to pay much attention.

“Madison?” he asks, shoving the duvet down to his hips and sitting up.

“Hmm?” I grab my phone but make sure to give him my full attention first.

Leo fidgets with the flannel cuffs of his pajama shirt as though he’s nervous. I frown, sitting on the bed again and giving him a soft poke.

“What is it, buddy? You can talk to me about anything.”

“Well… I was wondering… Will you be my mom now?”

I almost splutter on my own breath, clutching my chest in surprise. Oh, God. This is happening way too fast.

Still, my heart warms at his innocent blue eyes and hopeful expression. Right as I’m about to figure out an answer, I hear the squeak of floorboards by the door and find Roman leaning on the threshold. His gaze is cautious, but also curious, as he listens in.

Great. Now there are two pairs of Sterling eyes piercing through me like lasers.

I don’t even know where to begin. I still don’t know if this is something that will last long-term. I’d like it to, but would Roman? I think of Sherry’s reaction to us last night. She pointed out that he rarely brings plus ones, and noted the age difference between us. I’m only twenty-six. Not mother material at all.