My heart is fit to burst. I hate not knowing how much of this is real. Is he just trying to warm me up for the cameras and the guests, or is there a hint of truth to his words? I avert my attention to the photographers and send them a bright smile, desperate to avoid his intensity before I’m the one who loses her mind instead.

His grip tightens around my hip, safe and secure.

“Are you ready to head inside?” he asks.

Reluctantly, I nod, and together, we head in, taking the elevator up to the sparkling, golden-lit Rainbow Room to mingle with the guests.



o o o

My entire world is spinning tonight, the glittering chandeliers and sparkling gowns around me blurring into distant shimmers — because I can’t keep my eyes off Madison in that gorgeous red dress. Or my hands, for that matter. The satin offsets her golden skin and blonde, cascading waves in a way that only tempts me to steal her away to a private corner and devour her. I try to remind myself that I’m here on business, but it’s difficult when she’s muddying my focus.

I wasn’t lying before about losing my mind. I’m one small step away from falling to my knees. My skin feels raw and new against her. I barely recognize myself.

“Well, I never. Roman Sterling has brought a plus one.” The rich, warm, feminine voice causes me to turn, and I grin as I find Sherry James eyeing us up with dramatic shock, coloring her dark features. Sherry is one of the many business owners I’ve worked with over the years, with a tech company of which I own thirty percent of the shares. She’s about the only person in this room I actually enjoy doing business with.

“Sherry. Good to see you.” I dip my head, tugging Madison closer. I tell myself it’s to make this act more believable, but I think it has more to do with the pride swelling in me whenever the beautiful woman on my arm is acknowledged. She might only be my fake wife, but I’m the luckiest man in the room, and I want everyone to know it.

“Oh, it’s always a pleasure. But tell me, who on earth is this gorgeous girl?” With her usual bubbly smile and wide eyes, Sherry looks Madison up and down.

Madison laughs in response. “I’m Madison.”

“Madison is my wife.” I squeeze her waist, and she leans into me with a serene smile. It feels, for a moment, as though this is real, and an unfamiliar warmth floods my veins.

It could be real, that unreasonable, smitten, senseless part of my brain chimes in. You could stop playing around and admit the truth: you want her. Not just for sex, but for everything.

For this.

I clear my throat, drowning out that stupid voice. I can’t get carried away here, no matter how easy it is to get lost in Madison’s orbit.

“Wife?” Sherry’s brown eyes flash with surprise. “Am I hallucinating? How did I miss this?”

It takes more effort to pretend now, but I do my best, swirling the golden band around my finger with my thumb. “We wanted to keep it to ourselves for a while, but it’s about time I shared her with the world.”

“I’ll say!” Sherry snatched two champagne flutes from the silver platter of a passing waiter and handed one to Madison. I take my own with a thanks, glad when the bubbles hit my dry throat. Why is this so much harder than I thought?

Because you’re committing to something. You’re not hiding yourself away anymore.

“You’re a little young to be married to this ol’ rogue, aren’t you?” Sherry asks through a sip.

I tug at my collar in annoyance. The age gap between us is just another reason why this shouldn’t work. Another reason why I should be smart and protect her from the damage I could do if we were to tread any further.

But then Madison pats my shoulder fondly, nestling into my chest. “Age means nothing when it’s right. Roman is the perfect man for me, and nothing else matters but that.”

I flash my teeth, grateful for Madison’s careful response. How much of it is true?

Sherry clutches her chest, touched. “Gosh, you guys are so loved up. It’s disgustingly cute. I never thought I’d see the day someone won this iron man over.”

“Well, she’s extremely special.” It isn’t a lie. I can’t help but place a kiss on her hair. My insides feel foreign, like somebody has smothered them with syrup. I’m all… gooey.

She makes me gooey. Yuck.

Get it together, Roman. Stop simpering.

“And how did the two of you meet?” Madison questions politely, her own cheeks rosy. Her hand trembles as she brings the glass to her lips, and I realize that I’m not the only one who’s nervous.